Fuel for the Fire

The fourth episode of Star Wars Resistance, an animated series, titled "Fuel for the Fire," is part of the first season. It was broadcasted on Disney Channel on October 21, 2018.

Official description

Kaz strikes up a friendship with Rucklin, a sky racer, who pressures him into acquiring some rare and hazardous hyperfuel secretly stored in Yeager's office.

Plot summary

Balancing chores and racing

The episode starts with Ace Squadron in flight, maneuvering through the rings above the Colossus. At Jarek Yeager's repair shop, [Kazuda Xiono](/article/kazuda_xiono] is pleased as he finishes repairing an engine. Yeager then wonders if the others are ready to be impressed. Tam Ryvora sarcastically states she is "completely ready," while Neeku Vozo expresses that he is always prepared. BB-8 beeps happily, but "Bucket" shakes his head.

Kaz activates the engine, but it continues to emit smoke. Tam questions if this is supposed to be the impressive part. Kaz uses the spanner to adjust the engine and modifies the power generator's settings. Before he can conduct another test, the announcer declares that the race is about to begin. Kaz attempts to start the engine, but Neeku reminds him that the engine is not a living being.

Kaz acknowledges the reminder and restarts the engine, which again produces smoke. Tam says that it has been fun, but she wants to go watch the race. She invites Neeku to join her. Kaz wants to attend the race and then return to fix the engine later. However, Yeager forbids him from leaving and instructs him to finish the engine by the end of the day.

The engine problem

Kaz objects, but Yeager insists that he return to work. Kaz complains, but BB-8 suggests that he can work on the engine outside the garage, where he can observe the starfighters racing above. While he is watching the starfighters, the hoversled carrying the engine vibrates and starts moving towards the edge of the platform. Despite Kaz's efforts to pull it back, the cable breaks, causing it to fall into the water.

Kaz uses a crane to recover the engine. Yeager scolds Kaz for allowing himself to be distracted by the race, and Kaz apologizes. Yeager understands that Kaz is focused on racing and spying, but reminds him that to everyone else, he is just a mechanic. Kaz objects that he is not a mechanic, but Yeager warns him that everyone else will realize that if he is not careful. Yeager warns that if he is caught, it would be the end of Team Fireball, and that it is not a game.

Kaz responds that he knows it is not a game, but Yeager doubts that Kaz understands the seriousness of the situation. Kaz argues that he took on the mission to assist the Resistance, not to work in a garage. Kaz expresses his regret if his desire to help the galaxy is causing inconvenience. Kaz then walks away.

Introduction of Jace Rucklin

Later, at Aunt Z's Tavern, Kaz asks her if she has ever said something and immediately regretted it. Aunt Z replies that she regrets greeting Kaz the first time. He suggests that Yeager might not be the best choice for him. Aunt Z recommends looking for other accommodations and that he will eventually find his place. A strange blue-skinned Arcona named Garma suggests that Kaz can live with him, but Kaz refuses.

Shortly after, a blond human lad named Jace Rucklin approaches Kaz and mentions that he and his friends have been discussing him. Rucklin recalls Kaz's performance in the race against Torra Doza and acknowledges his skill. He then asks for Kaz's name. Kaz introduces himself as Kazuda Xiono but allows him to call him Kaz. Rucklin introduces himself and says that he is trying to become a racer.

While sharing drinks, Rucklin introduces Kaz to his friends: Lin Gaava, a human woman, and Gorrak Wiles, a Sullustan. He describes them as the most dedicated crew in this part of the Western Reaches. Gorrak jokes about hard work, stating that this is the best job he has ever had. He adds that he practically has days off. Lin adds that they do because they are not droids.

Kaz mentions that his boss, Yeager, rarely allows breaks. Gorrak comments that Yeager is an odd character who could be a top racer if he wanted to be. He mentions that he only saw Yeager race once, but he dominated the competition. Lin says it's because he uses fuel boost. Rucklin asks Kaz if Yeager has ever shown him his racer, expressing his eagerness to see it.

Kaz asks if he is referring to the Fireball, but Rucklin clarifies that Yeager has another racer, which he describes as a true racer. Kaz expresses his surprise, stating that he thought Yeager was just a mechanic and was unaware of his racing past. Rucklin suggests they leave and have some fun, inviting Kaz to join them, which Kaz accepts.

The swoop bike race

While walking through the corridors, Rucklin compliments Kaz's piloting skills, mentioning that he gave Torra Doza a good challenge. He then asks Kaz if he wants to race or if he wants to back out. Kaz accepts Jace's offer and asks what they will be doing. Rucklin leads him down a manhole into his hangar, where he keeps two speeder bikes. Kaz is impressed by the bikes. Rucklin asks if he can handle them, and Kaz confirms that he can. The two start their speeders and descend into the sea to race. Gorrak and Lin watch from above.

While riding his bike, Rucklin presses a yellow button. He announces that the first one to reach the sky ring wins. Rucklin's modification allows him to pull ahead of Kaz, teasing him about being in second place. Kaz accelerates his speeder bike and jumps ahead of Rucklin. However, Kaz's bike engine starts malfunctioning and emitting smoke. Kaz tries to tell Jace that there is something wrong with his bike, but Rucklin initially thinks he is bluffing.

Kaz tells him that he is losing control of the speeder bike. Rucklin manages to grab on to Kaz, who climbs aboard Rucklin's speeder bike just before his speeder bike crashes and sinks into the ocean. Kaz expresses his gratitude to Rucklin for saving his life. Rucklin says it's not a problem because that is what friends do. Later, Lin tells Kaz that it was a close call and asks if he is okay. Kaz thanks Rucklin and says that he owes him a bike. Rucklin replies that the bike is not important and that he is glad Kaz is okay.

At that moment, an angry Yeager arrives and tells Kaz that he has been looking for him for the past two hours. Kaz explains that he was with friends. Yeager asks if he is working for him or them. Kaz admits that they are not compensating him for the lost time and apologizes to Rucklin and his friends. After Kaz and Yeager leave, Rucklin thanks his friends for sabotaging Kaz's bike and says that they have him where they want him.

Ignoring Neeku's advice

Back at the repair shop, Yeager expresses his dissatisfaction with Kaz's delay in fixing the engine, asking if he plans to fix it next month or next year. Tam, Neeku, and BB-8 are also present. Kaz retorts that he didn't think taking a long break would be an issue. Tam and Bucket giggle, amused that Kaz is in trouble.

Yeager reminds Kaz that he promised Poe Dameron that he would take him in, and warns him not to make him regret that decision. Kaz is about to argue, but Bucket blocks his path. Kaz grumbles that Bucket is now bothering him. Kaz considers rejoining Rucklin, but Neeku advises him that those young people are not what they appear to be. He describes them as "lazy, always laughing, playing pranks on others, and not focusing on their work." He adds that they have all kinds of fun and are the worst.

Kaz dismisses Neeku's advice and asks him to fetch a tool from that case. However, he says he can't remember what it's called. BB-8 beeps. Neeku asks which tool it is and shows Kaz various tools. While Neeku is distracted, Kaz seizes the opportunity to sneak off with BB-8. Neeku continues listing the tools, unaware that Kaz has left the repair shop.

Falling into Rucklin's trap

A shot shows several starfighters flying above the Colossus. Kaz returns to Rucklin's hangar, where he finds them working on racer. Rucklin is happy to see Kaz and asks if Yeager gave him a hard time. Kaz says he did. Gorrak expresses his approval and shows Kaz the modifications they have been making to Rucklin's new racer.

Lin explains that they have been removing all unnecessary systems to reduce the ship's weight. Rucklin adds that when they are finished, this baby will be primed for speed. Gorrak mentions that they could use some Corellian hyperfuel, describing it as an unstoppable "hot sauce." Rucklin explains that the ship is fast but not even close to Yeager's racer. He tells Kaz that he would love to see Yeager's ship up close. Rucklin asks Kaz if he could sneak him a peek. BB-8 squeaks in disapproval.

Kaz says that he has never snuck into Yeager's private hangar and that it seems risky, warning that there would be consequences if he gets caught. Lin says they will wait there until he takes his break, and that she and Gorrak will be on the lookout. BB-8 tries to warn Kaz that this is not a good idea by rubbing at his shoes. Kaz is uncomfortable but says he owes them for saving his life. He asks if they are just going to look. Rucklin nods, and Kaz agrees.

Rucklin's theft

Later, Kaz is working on the engine. When Bucket leaves, Kaz tells BB-8 to keep watch and not to argue. Kaz lets Rucklin in through a side blast door while his friends keep watch. Kaz and Rucklin follow Bucket into Yeager's office and hide behind a table. Bucket, unable to see them with his periscope-like visual sensors, leaves the room after checking a second time.

Kaz says that the hangar must be back there and notes that Yeager has won many racing awards. Kaz finds a hologram image of Yeager as a New Republic fighter pilot during the Battle of Jakku, something that he has not revealed to Kaz. He also sees another image of Yeager with a wife and child and realizes that he once had a family. Kaz says he feels bad about sneaking in there, but Rucklin asks him how that door is coming.

Kaz searches for the door but finds that it is locked up tight. He apologizes that they won't get to see Yeager's racer after all. Kaz suggests they leave. Just then, they hear Yeager's voice. With Bucket unable to find the macro-fuser, Yeager decides to order a new one and says that he is not too worried about it.

The two try to sneak out, but Tam enters the office and asks Yeager if he has seen Kaz. She tells him that he still hasn't fixed that engine and asks where he is. Yeager tells Tam to take a break and looks at the hologram images of his family and his time as a New Republic starfighter pilot during the Battle of Jakku.

After looking at the holo-frame, Yeager leaves with Bucket. Rucklin steals a canister of Corellian hyperfuel while Kaz isn't looking and sneaks out, saying that they will see Yeager's racer another time. After Rucklin leaves, BB-8 expresses his concern to Kaz. Kaz thinks that no harm was done since Rucklin didn't get to see the racer. Kaz and BB-8 leave to join Rucklin and company.

The moment of truth

Rucklin shows his friends the stolen Corellian hyperfuel. Lin is excited about Rucklin's stolen fuel, while Gorrak praises his boss for the heist. Just then, Kaz arrives and invites them for a meal at Aunt Z's. Rucklin apologizes and claims that he has a race starting soon. He and his associates hide their stolen hyperfuel from Kaz's sight. Kaz wishes them good luck with the race, but BB-8 is suspicious.

Meanwhile, Bucket is checking Yeager's office when he discovers that the hyperfuel canister is missing. He panics and throws his datapad up in the air. Bucket tells Tam and Neeku that the hyperfuel is gone. Neeku says this is very bad, and Tam says they need to find that hot sauce. When Kaz asks about the hot sauce, Neeku explains that it is hyperfuel and that it is highly unstable and causes terminal blowouts. He says that Yeager had a batch that he was safekeeping, but that someone stole it. BB-8 squeaks.

Kaz realizes that Rucklin has stolen it for the race. Tam warns Kaz that if anyone tries to use it without knowing how, more than a shot can turn a ship into a giant bomb. Kaz realizes that Rucklin is in danger and tells his colleagues that he has to go and that he will be back soon. Tam and Neeku watch as Bucket enters the hangar.

Meanwhile, Rucklin pours some of the hyperfuel into his racer's tank. Lin warns him to be careful, but Rucklin boasts that it will be his ticket to the big time because he has the fastest ship in this race. Elsewhere, Kaz rushes through the hallways, bumping into pedestrians, including Garma, who asks him about considering his offer for lodging.

Saving Rucklin from himself

Rucklin prepares the racer's systems for flight while Lin and Gorrak watch. As he descends down the launching bay, Kaz tells BB-8 that they have to hurry before they get a chance to use the fuel. The announcer announces that the race is about to start, as Kaz brushes past the Rodian Glem.

Finding their path blocked by a cleaning crew of droids, Kaz decides to use a maintenance shaft. Kaz lowers BB-8 into the shaft but is noticed by Yeager. Yeager asks him what he is doing, and Kaz tells him that his friend is going to blow himself up before going down the shaft. Yeager calls for Kaz and realizes something is amiss. The two make their way through the maintenance shaft.

Meanwhile, over the deafening roar of the racer's engines in Rucklin's hangar, Lin tells Gorrak that Rucklin's racer's engines are about to blow. Gorrak tells Rucklin to fire it up. Rucklin is ready to launch. Kaz, running in, tells them to stop and leaps onto Rucklin's racer. He tells Rucklin to shut it down just as the announcer begins the countdown. Kaz opens the hatch to the canopy, and Rucklin asks if he has lost his mind and tells him to get off his ship. The two struggle as the ship drops from the launch pad. Kaz manages to eject with Rucklin before the racer explodes in mid-air.

As the ejection seat descends into the sea, Kaz asks Rucklin where his parachute is. Rucklin says that it was too heavy for racing. Kaz is shocked that he took it out. Before they fall into the sea, BB-8 catches them with his grappling hook. BB-8 struggles against their weight as Kaz and Jace struggle to hold on to the grappling hook. Fortunately, Yeager intervenes and helps BB-8 pull the young men up the platform.

True friendship

Kaz thanks Yeager, who is upset about Rucklin's theft of the hyperfuel. Yeager tells him not to forget BB-8, who beeps, and Kaz thanks him. As Yeager walks into the corridor, Kaz tries to explain, but he walks away. Rucklin is angry, but Kaz counters that he saved him from himself. Rucklin says that was his racer and that he poured all of his life and savings into that ship. He pushes Kaz's arms away. He says that he built every part of the ship. Rucklin is furious that it is gone.

Kaz chastises him for stealing the hyperfuel and blaming him. Rucklin's companions look at Kaz fiercely while Yeager turns his back. Rucklin says that they can't prove anything and says that it would have been fine if Kaz didn't interfere. He tells Kaz that it isn't over before storming away.

A life lesson and second chance

Yeager, watching Captain Doza's silhouette in Doza Tower, tells Kaz that the last thing they need now is to attract attention, before walking back to the repair shop. Kaz and BB-8 follow him back. Kaz accepts responsibility and tells Yeager that he will understand if he wants to fire him. Yeager tells him to get back to work.

Kaz is surprised that Yeager is not kicking him out. Yeager tells Kaz that he may not be the greatest mechanic and is a questionable spy at best, but that he is a good person. Yeager tells Kaz that Jace was lucky to have him as a friend. When Kaz surmises that he is good at being a person, Yeager tells him to get better at being a mechanic.

He tells him to start by cleaning those engine parts. Kaz sighs, but BB-8 bumps him in the shins. While starfighters fly over the rings, Neeku greets Kaz and asks if he has come to watch the race. Kaz says that Yeager told him to clean the engines outside where he can watch the race. Tam says that maybe Yeager likes him after all. The three watch the race as the hoversled carrying the engine parts falls off the platform, to Kaz's horror.


