Lin Gaava

Lin Gaava, a female human of the New Republic era, served as a mechanic within Jace Rucklin's team. This team operated on the Colossus platform, situated on Castilon. Identifiable by her red hair, blue eyes, and light complexion, Gaava's path took a turn following the Colossus' occupation. She subsequently enlisted in the First Order, training to become a TIE pilot cadet.


The Colossus, where Lin Gaava lived during the late New Republic era.

During the New Republic era, Lin Gaava belonged to Jace Rucklin's racing team, which also featured [Gorrak Wiles](/article/gorrak_wiles], a male Sullustan. On the Colossus platform, which floated above the watery world of Castilon, they earned a reputation for being pleasure-seeking pranksters and slackers. Gaava was a regular presence at the Colossus marketplace and its docking bays.

Exploiting Kaz

Lin Gaava joined Jace Rucklin's racing team alongside Gorrak Wiles.

Gaava, together with her associates Rucklin and Wiles, encountered Kazuda Xiono, the Resistance spy operating undercover. Xiono was employed as a mechanic at Jarek Yeager's repair station. Capitalizing on Xiono's discontent with his demanding boss, Rucklin and his crew cultivated a friendship with him, playing on his passion for racing and enjoyment of leisure. Furthermore, Lin asserted that they had the liberty to take time off whenever they pleased.

Later, Gaava and Wiles observed from the platform as Rucklin and Xiono engaged in a race across the ocean on speeder bikes. Following Rucklin's instructions, Gaava and Wiles had deliberately tampered with Xiono's speeder bike to enable Rucklin to "rescue" him, thereby gaining Xiono's confidence. Rucklin's scheme was successful, and he expressed his gratitude to Gaava and Wiles for their assistance.

Lin and Gorrak were working on Rucklin's racer when Jace began manipulating Kazuda Xiono.

Subsequently, Xiono visited Jace Rucklin's hangar, where he found Gaava, Wiles, and Rucklin working on Rucklin's racer. Xiono had disregarded the advice of his friend Neeku Vozo, who warned that Rucklin and his associates were essentially just slackers and troublemakers. Gaava was in the process of removing "unnecessary" components from Rucklin's racer to decrease its overall weight.

Rucklin then persuaded Xiono to grant him access to Yeager's trophy room, with the intention of stealing a container of Corellian hyperfuel. Upon Rucklin's return, Gaava and Wiles lauded him for the successful execution of his theft. Lin also cautioned Rucklin to exercise care as he poured the hyperfuel into his racer's fuel tank.

After Xiono discovered the theft, he returned to the hangar. Gaava and Wiles looked on as Xiono confronted Rucklin, who had already injected the hyperfuel into the racer's engines. Xiono managed to save a reluctant Rucklin, but Rucklin's racer was destroyed in the process. Lin and Wiles stood by Rucklin when he berated Xiono for destroying his ship. Xiono retorted that Rucklin had stolen Yeager's hyperfuel, an accusation that Rucklin denied.

In the background

Lin was present at the Colossus marketplace while Resistance astromech BB-8 was searching for Kazuda.

While the BB-series astromech droid BB-8 was searching for Xiono, Gaava was present at the Colossus marketplace. During the second raid by Kragan Gorr's Warbirds' on the Colossus, Gaava and Wiles seized the opportunity amidst the chaos to scavenge supplies from the marketplace. Gaava was also a common sight at the Colossus marketplace, a place frequently visited by other Colossus inhabitants, including Neeku Voz, Bucket, and Xiono.

Following the First Order's occupation of the Colossus, Lin joined the First Order Navy alongside Jace and Tamara Ryvora, undergoing fighter training with Lieutenant Galek.

Gaava remained a familiar face on the streets of the Colossus throughout the First Order's occupation of the platform. Subsequently, the First Order showed interest in both Gaava and her friend Rucklin. While traversing the corridors of Doza Tower, they encountered Agent Tierny of the First Order Security Bureau and Tamara Ryvora, whom Tierny was attempting to recruit into the First Order. After enlisting in the First Order alongside Rucklin and Ryvora, Gaava became a TIE pilot cadet and participated in training exercises under the supervision of Lieutenant Galek.

Personality and traits

Lin Gaava was a female human characterized by her red hair, blue eyes, and light-toned skin. Gaava and her associates were known among the Colossus's residents for their idleness, sense of humor, and penchant for playing pranks. Lin appreciated the fact that she and her colleagues had the freedom to take days off and avoid working like droids. She and Wiles shared Rucklin's inclination to steal and exploit his friendship with Xiono to further Rucklin's racing ambitions. This included sabotaging Xiono's speeder bike to enable Rucklin to gain his trust.

As individuals who seized opportunities, Gaava and Wiles took advantage of a pirate raid on the Colossus to scavenge supplies from the Colossus marketplace.

Skills and abilities

Lin Gaava possessed skills as a mechanic and had familiarity with both starships and speeder bikes.

Behind the scenes

Lin Gaava is a character that was conceived and developed for the animated series Star Wars Resistance. Her voice is provided by Rachael MacFarlane.

