A Sullustan male named Gorrak Wiles lived during the New Republic era. On [Castilon](/article/castilon], he served as a mechanic within Jace Rucklin's team aboard the Colossus. Wiles had light skin and black eyes. After Rucklin and Lin Gaava, another team member, defected to the First Order just before the Colossus' escape from Castilon, Wiles, the team's only non-human member, chose to stay on the supertanker fuel depot.
During the New Republic era, Gorrak Wiles was part of Jace Rucklin's racing team, which also included Lin Gaava, a human woman. They were known for their playful pranks and a generally carefree approach to their duties on the Colossus platform located on the planet Castilon.
The arrival of Kazuda Xiono, a Resistance spy working undercover as a mechanic at Jarek Yeager's repair station, piqued the interest of Wiles and his companions. Capitalizing on Xiono's discontent with Yeager, Rucklin and his group extended a friendly hand, inviting him to join in their fun. Gorrak made a sarcastic comment about hard work and noted that Yeager seemed like a strange boss for not allowing breaks.
Soon after, Wiles and Gaava observed from the platform as Rucklin and Xiono engaged in a speeder bike race over the water. When Xiono's bike broke down and sank, Rucklin came to his rescue, thereby gaining Xiono's confidence. Once Xiono had departed with Yeager, his employer, Rucklin expressed his gratitude to Wiles and Gaava for sabotaging the bike, as it had helped them earn Xiono's trust.
Later, Wiles, Gaava, and Rucklin were working on Rucklin's racer when Xiono paid a visit to Jace Rucklin's hangar. Wiles voiced sympathy for Xiono, who was facing difficulties with Yeager. Wiles and Rucklin mentioned to Xiono that they could use some Corellian hyperfuel, which Gorrak playfully referred to as "hot sauce". Subsequently, Rucklin persuaded Xiono to grant him access to Yeager's trophy room, where he proceeded to steal a canister of Corellian hyperfuel. Upon Rucklin's return, Wiles and Gaava commended their leader for the successful heist.
Wiles and Gaava were present when Rucklin started up his racer using the hyperfuel. Before Rucklin could take off, Xiono arrived, attempting to warn him about the dangers of flying with hyperfuel. A scuffle broke out. Xiono managed to rescue Rucklin against his will, but Rucklin's racer was destroyed in the process. After BB-8 and Yeager rescued Xiono and Rucklin, Wiles and Gaava stood silently in support of Rucklin as he berated Xiono for destroying his racer. Xiono retaliated by accusing Rucklin of stealing the hyperfuel, a charge that Rucklin publicly denied.
During Kragan Gorr's pirate raid on the Colossus, Wiles and Gaava attempted to scavenge materials from the Colossus marketplace, which had descended into chaos as a result of the attack.
After the Colossus' escape from Castilon, Wiles could be found in Aunt Z's Tavern before the platform arrived in the Ileenium system.
Gorrak Wiles was a Sullustan male characterized by light skin and black eyes. Wiles and his comrades were known for their idleness, sense of humor, penchant for pranks, and a generally relaxed attitude toward their work. Wiles considered Yeager to be a demanding boss for not allowing his employees to take breaks. He also knew that Yeager had once been a highly skilled racer before becoming a mechanic. Wiles and Gaava shared their leader Rucklin's inclination to steal and exploit his friendship with Xiono to further Rucklin's racing aspirations.
Later, Wiles and Gaava took advantage of a pirate assault on the Colossus to salvage goods from the Colossus marketplace.
Gorrak Wiles is a character conceived and developed for Star Wars Resistance. Eric Bauza provides the voice for the character.