Griff Halloran, a human male, was a pilot in the New Republic era who flew with the Ace Squadron. Before his time as a defender of the Colossus refueling station, he was a TIE fighter pilot within the ranks of the Imperial Navy.
Like the other members of his team, Halloran was a talented pilot who possessed his own customized starfighter that perfectly complemented his skills. The Black Ace, a heavily modified TIE/ln space superiority starfighter, featured alterations designed by Halloran himself, transforming his racer into a unique and formidable machine focused on delivering immense power.

Halloran's journey began with time spent in flight school, ultimately leading him to enlist in the Imperial Navy. Around the time of the Battle of Endor, Halloran, alongside his commanding officer, Imanuel Doza, chose to leave the Galactic Empire. Doza, having reached his limit, presented Halloran with a pivotal decision: remain and support a corrupt regime, or join him in forging a new path. This act of offering a choice instilled in Griff a profound sense of loyalty towards the captain.
During the era of the New Republic, Halloran served as a defender of the Colossus refueling station. Despite his past, he continued to display the colors of the former Empire while being part of the Ace Squadron, an elite team of starfighter pilots, throughout his career as both a pilot and a racer.
When Hype Fazon gave mechanics Tamara Ryvora, Neeku Vozo, undercover Resistance spy Kazuda Xiono, and BB-series astromech droid BB-8 a tour of Doza Tower's Aces' Lounge, Griff was there. Unbeknownst to everyone, Xiono's mission was to gather intelligence on Major Elrik Vonreg, who was in discussions with Captain Doza regarding a First Order protection proposal.
While Griff and his fellow Aces were escorting a shipment, Kragan Gorr, the pirate leader, and his Warbird gang, under the direction of the First Order, initiated a second raid on the Colossus. Despite the pirates being pushed back, this event led Captain Doza to reconsider the First Order's offer of protection.

Later on, Griff participated in the Platform Classic, competing against his fellow Aces, galactic racing champion Marcus Speedstar, and Speedstar's estranged older brother Jarek Yeager, who owned a garage. During the initial stage of the race, Griff caused Bo Keevil's racer, Yellow Ace, to crash into the ocean. Subsequently, Griff and the other racers ascended into space and executed a deep dive with their engines powered down. After navigating through the re-ignition hoop, Griff attempted to ram Speedstar's ship but failed. To prevent an accident, Griff was forced to eject from his racer, the Black Ace. Ultimately, Speedstar emerged as the victor, utilizing the prize money to liberate his friend Oplock from the clutches of the Guavian Death Gang.

When Torra gave Xiono a tour of Doza Tower, Griff and his fellow Aces were at the Aces' Lounge. Griff commented that Captain Doza should get the racers going, since it had been a long time since they had seen action. Xiono was secretly on another mission to gather intel on Captain Doza's meeting with Commander Pyre, a First Order emissary.
Griff engaged in a race alongside his fellow Aces. Torra initially led the pack, but depleted her booster fuel prematurely. This allowed Hype to seize the lead and retain his title.
Later, Griff and his fellow Aces participated in a mission to escort an incoming freighter. Despite Griff's complaints about the necessity of their collective presence, Hype emphasized the importance of teamwork. Hype's point was validated when the freighter encountered difficulties during landing, requiring the Aces to collaborate in order to slow its descent.
During the Bibo incident, Griff and the other Aces defended the Colossus from Bibo's mother, a rokkna sea monster. Despite their best efforts, along with the assistance of Kazuda Xiono, they were unable to halt the rokkna. Griff informed Captain Doza of their failure to repel the creature, prompting the Captain to authorize the use of missiles. Kaz's friend Neeku Vozo successfully resolved the situation by reuniting Bibo with his mother.
After their fellow Ace Torra Doza was kidnapped, Griff and the other pilots were sent to pursue her captors. Major Elrik Vonreg rescued Torra, which convinced Captain Doza to accept First Order protection.
The Black Ace, Griff Halloran's personal starship, served as a reflection of his personality. Halloran's customized ship, favoring a unique and intimidating design, was an aggressively powerful and aerodynamic machine. However, some observers considered his extensive modifications to be excessive.
Halloran was a human male with light skin, gray [hair](/article/hair], and gray [eyes](/article/eye]. He stood at a height of 1.83 meters.

Halloran's exceptional piloting skills allowed him to compete alongside the most skilled pilots on the Colossus platform. He was also a talented mechanic, responsible for numerous personal modifications and extensive refittings to his Imperial-issue TIE/ln space superiority starfighter.
During the Cold War, Griff Halloran wore a modified flight suit that incorporated elements of equipment used by TIE fighter pilots. His black flight helmet, originally designed by the former Empire, was customized with white paint on the faceplate.
Griff Halloran is a character that was created and developed for the animated series Star Wars Resistance. Stephen Stanton, who also voiced Wilhuff Tarkin in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: The Bad Batch and Star Wars Rebels, provides his voice.