The Imperial Starfighter Corps, alternatively referred to as the pilot corps, functioned as the Starfighter Corps division within the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Empire's reign. Its ranks were filled with TIE fighter pilots and Imperial officers. Despite being part of the Navy, the Corps sometimes assigned pilots to support ground-based operations alongside the Imperial Army's Air Corps.

Within the military framework of the Galactic Empire, the Imperial Navy contained the Imperial Starfighter Corps, or Starfighter Corps, while the Imperial Army had the Army Air Corps as its equivalent. Imperial officers and Imperial Starfighter Pilots made up almost the entire force. The military structure of this organization included fighter wings, flight groups, squadrons, and individual flights. A wing commander commanded a full attack fighter wing, which consisted of six squadrons and seventy-two starships, representing the entire starfighter complement of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. Flight groups contained a minimum of sixteen members. A squadron commander led a squadron of twelve starships. Squadrons were further divided into flights, each headed by lieutenants.
Fighter wings could function either as a starfighter support unit for a Star Destroyer, reporting to the starship's commander, or as an independent military unit based on a Star Destroyer that provided support for the fighter wing's operations. Furthermore, a single squadron within a fleet could be designated as the primary military unit, with activities centered around them. Titan Squadron is one such example.
The Imperial Starfighter Corps utilized numerous military ranks, including general, although a colonel typically held the position of Wing Commander in charge of a wing. High-ranking commanding officers within the wing structure included majors, and in one instance, a second lieutenant commander served as the squadron leader. The rank of captain was lower, followed by first lieutenant, senior lieutenant, lieutenant, and flight officer. The Baron of the Empire title was an awarded honor bestowed rarely. Pilots who received this honor had red streaks on their black pilot uniforms. Valen Rudor, Soontir Fel, and Titan Three from Titan Squadron were notable recipients of this title.

Following the Proclamation of the New Order, the Imperial Starfighter Corps was created as the Galactic Republic transitioned to the Galactic Empire. The Republic Starfighter Corps, while part of the Republic Navy, was regarded as a separate military branch. Upon becoming the Imperial Starfighter Corps, it was fully integrated into the Imperial Navy's structure. After the Emperor's demise at the Battle of Endor, TIE fighter pilots continued to fight for the collapsing Empire, which then disintegrated into various feuding factions. The Battle of Jakku marked the end of the Galactic Civil War.

The Imperial Starfighter Corps included the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing, whose ships had distinctive red stripes on their wings. The 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, also known as "Shadow Wing," was an elite fighter wing that operated in different regions, with its primary base on the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Pursuer. Under the leadership of Colonel Shakara Nuress, and later Colonel Soran Keize, it consisted of six squadrons, including Squadron Two, Squadron Three, Squadron Four, Squadron Five, and Squadron Six. It comprised multiple flights, including a flight commanded by Lieutenant Palal Seedia. Another fighter wing served as the starfighter complement of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Bellicose, and included Beta Squadron. The Alpha Flight Group and Omega Flight Group participated in various engagements during the Galactic Civil War as part of the Corps. Clone Flight Squad Seven was another flight group, originally serving under the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars.
Numerous squadrons were part of the Corps, including Banshee Squadron from the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Solar Storm, Darth Vader's Black Squadron from the Death Star, Delta Squadron stationed on Lothal, a squadron that defected entirely, Sapphire Squadron, Vixus Squadron, and Yellow Squadron.
Squadron One and Squadron Two were deployed by the Third Fleet's flagship, the Star Destroyer Firedrake. The Seventh Fleet's flagship, the modified Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Chimaera, utilized Defender Squadron One, Squadron Two, Squadron Three, Squadron Four, and Squadron Five. Special Unit One was deployed by the Chimaera before it became the flagship of the Seventh Fleet. A squadron under the command of Commander Gradd was part of the Imperial naval group Death Squadron. Commander Ellian Zahra's Hunter Fleet included a TIE squadron.
During the war, elite squadrons such as Tempest Squadron, Titan Squadron, and another elite squadron were deployed.
Imperial cadet squadrons, including Carida Squadron from the Carida Academy and Onyx Squadron, also participated in combat as part of the Corps. Delta Flight was based on the planet Ryloth.

As the primary Starfighter Corps of the Imperial Military, the Imperial Starfighter Corps possessed a diverse selection of Imperial starfighters and craft.
Starfighters were the backbone of the Imperial Starfighter Corps, and included models such as the Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter and the TIE fighter prototype, which was the predecessor to the TIE fighter series TIE/ln space superiority starfighter. Additional models included the TIE scout, TIE/sr, TIE/rc, TIE/fc, TIE/ag "Aggressor" Starfighter, TIE/ph "Phantom" Multi-Role Stealth Starfighter, and the TIE/sk "Striker" x1 experimental air superiority fighter.
The primary interceptors included the Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptors, Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter, and the TIE/IN interceptor, which had a crimson variant. More advanced classes included the TIE/d "Defender" Multi-Role Starfighter, TIE/D Defender Elite, TIE Advanced v1, and the TIE Advanced x1. The Advanced x1's prototype inspired the development of the TIE Avenger. The M3-A Scyk interceptor was also utilized.
The TIE/gt, which served as the precursor to the TIE/sa Surface Assault Bomber, was among the heavy starfighters and bombers. The TIE/ca capital assault "Punisher" Starfighter and the TIE/rb "Brute" reinforcement battery heavy starfighter were also deployed.
The Imperial Starfighter Corps operated a range of larger craft, including the VT-49 Decimator, TIE Boarding Craft, TIE lander, TIE/rp Reaper attack lander, and the TIE/sh shuttle.
The debut of the Imperial Starfighter Corps was in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, and it was further detailed in Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy.