Soontir Fel was a Baron of the Empire and a human Imperial Starfighter Pilot. He commanded Saber Squadron, an elite Imperial squadron of TIE Interceptor pilots. During the Battle of Endor, Fel launched from an Imperial-class Star Destroyer at the head of a substantial force composed of TIE Interceptors, TIE fighters, and TIE bombers.
The character of Soontir Fel was initially referenced within Star Wars canon on the "Saber Squadron Ace" card. This card was part of the Skystrike Academy Squadron Pack, which was a 2021 expansion for the Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition miniatures game produced by Fantasy Flight Games. Within the Star Wars Legends expanded universe, Soontir Fel's debut occurred in the twenty-first issue of the Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron comic series. This issue was written by Michael A. Stackpole, with illustrations by John Nadeau, and was released by Dark Horse Comics on August 6, 1997.