Black Squadron constituted an Imperial TIE/ln space superiority starfighter squadron within the Galactic Empire's forces.

During the events of the Battle of Yavin, Black Squadron's TIE fighters were deployed from the Death Star. Their mission was to engage the rebel starfighters that were actively attacking the Imperial station. Under the command of Darth Vader, Black Squadron successfully eliminated numerous rebel fighters. However, despite their efforts, some rebel fighters managed to initiate their attack runs targeting the Death Star's thermal exhaust port, a vulnerable opening on the battle station directly connected to the main reactor. Ultimately, the rebel pilot Luke Skywalker managed to precisely launch two proton torpedos into the exhaust port, triggering a catastrophic chain reaction that resulted in the station's complete destruction.
Senior Lieutenant Iden Versio, a female pilot within the Imperial Starfighter Corps, held a position in Black Squadron as Sigma Three. She was among the few Imperial personnel who survived the battle. Versio's TIE fighter sustained damage from debris originating from the Death Star's destruction, leading to a crash landing on Yavin 4.