
Drell, a pirate of the Weequay species and male, operated within the Warbird gang. Synara San, a spy within the gang, contacted him when she needed to communicate with their leader, Kragan Gorr. Later, San aided Drell and fellow pirate Valik in infiltrating the Colossus with the intention of abducting Torra Doza.


Drell is contacted by Synara San

By 34 ABY of the standard year, Drell, a Weequay, held a prominent position within the Warbird gang. This pirate organization was under the command of Kragan Gorr, a Quarren.

The daylight raid

During that specific year, Synara San, who was working as a spy for the gang on the Colossus platform, made contact with Drell when she reached out to the rest of the group. In a mocking tone, he inquired about her enjoyment of her new residence, to which she responded by demanding an immediate conversation with Gorr. Soon after, Gorr was able to connect with her and received the green light to initiate an attack on the Colossus with his pirates.

Kidnapping Torra Doza

Subsequently, Drell, accompanied by Valik, a Palliduvan, were dispatched to the Colossus to kidnap Torra Doza, who was the daughter of Imanuel Doza, the captain of the refueling station. They were secretly brought into the Colossus loading docks inside a container, and San guided them to Doza Tower, the residence of the Doza family. After San granted them entry, Drell and Valik parted ways with her.

Upon discovering the true intentions of their mission, Synara alerted her friend Kazuda Xiono and Captain Doza. After Drell disabled the security droids using an Electro Magnetic Pulse grenade, he and Valik successfully captured Torra and transported her back to their ship. However, Vonreg later betrayed them, fatally shooting Drell and the Trandoshan Skreek.

Picking up Synara

As Synara made her escape from the Colossus during its occupation by First Order stormtroopers, Kragan and Drell retrieved Synara using a skiff.

Kaz's appeal

Later, while aboard the Galleon, Drell overheard Valik discussing an intercepted, encoded transmission from the Colossus, which she then presented to Kragan. Upon decoding the message, it was revealed to be a plea for assistance sent to the Resistance by Kazuda Xiono.

Salvage the dreadnought

Kragan, Drell, and Valik found amusement in Kazuda Xiono's desire to aid them in salvaging the Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought Fulminatrix in order to obtain coaxium. Kragan informed Kaz that they only followed the orders of one tyrant, Captain Kragan. Upon hearing Kaz's statement that the Colossus was unable to jump into hyperspace, they agreed to the proposition.

Hunt the jakoosk

Drell expressed surprise at the inhabitants of the Colossus, remarking that Doza had "got a real mess on his hands." Kragan responded with, "Which means an opportunity for us." Drell accompanied Kragan to Aunt Z's Tavern, where Kragan informed Aunt Z that he and his crew would embark on a hunt for jakoosk. On the ice moon Celsor 3, he and Snarl were aboard one of the skiffs. Snarl deployed thermal detonators in an attempt to force the jakoosk out of hiding, eventually succeeding. However, their skiff was destroyed in the process, leaving them stranded until Torra and Kaz returned with a blaster cannon. As the jakoosk awakened, it pilfered both of their ships. After Kaz defeated the jakoosk with the large laser cannon, Synara pulled Drell's right arm while Snarl walks with him as she demanded that they apologize for stealing their ships and for stranding them on the ice moon, even for Buggles. Following this, they proceeded to serve jakoosk meat.

Selling super battle droids

Shortly before the Battle of Exegol, his sail barge, the Galleon, arrived at the rendezvous point with the Meson Martinet, led by Sidon Ithano and his crew. Drell carried a case containing credits to pay Sidon. Kragan was delighted to see a battalion of B2-series super battle droids, and he instructed Drell to hand over the credits to the Crimson Corsair, believing that the battle droids would aid in his plan to take over the Colossus.

Drell was a male, Weequay pirate.

Personality and traits

Drell, a male Weequay, possessed brown skin, black [hair](/article/hair], and gray eyes. He exhibited a problematic attitude and derived pleasure from causing chaos throughout the galaxy and eliminating enemies. Gorr placed trust in him for significant missions. Drell displayed no moral objections to kidnapping Torra Doza for the financial gain of the Warbird gang, who acted as proxies for the First Order.


Drell commonly wore stormtrooper armor and carried thermal detonators. He was also equipped with a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol.

Behind the scenes

Drell's initial appearance was in the Star Wars Resistance episode titled "Synara's Score." His voice is provided by David Shaughnessy.

