During the conflict between the Resistance and the First Order, which was known as the war, Kragan Gorr, a Quarren pirate leading the Warbird pirates, instigated the mutiny aboard the Colossus. His objective was to seize control of the Colossus, a supertanker fuel depot. Despite their efforts, the mutiny failed, and the pirates were ultimately permitted to depart the station after promising to never return.
Before the [Hosnian Cataclysm](/article/hosnian_cataclysm], the Warbird pirate gang under Kragan Gorr regularly attacked the Colossus refueling platform, which was located on the planet Castilon, under the direction of the First Order. The First Order's intention was to utilize the Colossus as a crucial supply route for their impending invasion of the galaxy.
Eventually, Synara San, one of the pirates, became separated from her crew. She was then rescued by Kazuda Xiono and Poe Dameron, who were Resistance pilots. Xiono, who lived on the Colossus, aided her in adjusting to her new life. Synara initially acted as a spy for the pirates, but she eventually formed strong relationships with the residents of the Colossus, particularly Xiono. Following the occupation of the Colossus by the First Order, Xiono assisted her in escaping.
After the Warbirds were hired by the First Order to abduct Torra Doza, the daughter of Captain Imanuel Doza, the leader of the Colossus, the First Order betrayed their allies. They orchestrated Torra's rescue to persuade Doza to accept their protection. Consequently, the Warbirds ended their alliance with the First Order. Subsequently, they assisted the Colossus resistance in driving out the First Order and accompanied the station into space.
Although the Warbirds aided the Colossus in acquiring coaxium from the destroyed Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought Fulminatrix and in hunting a jakoosk, tensions persisted between Captain Doza and the pirates. Doza viewed the pirates as unreliable, while Kragan desired the Colossus for himself and his crew. These underlying tensions were exploited by Nenavakasa Nalor, a agent working for the First Order.
Kragan, aiming to seize control of the Colossus for the Warbirds, purchased several outdated B2-series super battle droids from Sidon Ithano, famously known as the "Crimson Corsair." The absence of Kragan and several of his pirates caused renewed tensions with Captain Doza, who cautioned that his patience, as well as that of the Colossus community, with the pirates was diminishing. He confined the Warbirds to their hangar. Suspecting the pirates were planning something, Doza and Jarek Yeager assigned Neeku Vozo, the mechanic, to spy on the Warbirds.
Meanwhile, Synara, who had grown fond of several Colossus residents, became suspicious of Kragan's recent acquisition. Kragan, doubting her loyalty, sent Synara to the Colossus marketplace to assist with food distribution. There, she encountered Xiono, who expressed his concerns about the "weird" behavior of Neeku, Doza, and Yeager.
After Kragan asserted that the B2 super battle droids would be used to protect the Colossus, a seemingly unsuspecting Neeku agreed to assist the pirates in repairing the damaged droids. Suspecting Kragan's intentions, Neeku also reprogrammed a B1-series battle droid, which he nicknamed "BI", to serve as their commander. Once the droids were operational, Kragan imprisoned Neeku in a makeshift cell. When Kaz and Synara investigated, they were also confined to the same cell.
Kragan, along with his pirates and their newly acquired "droid army," launched an invasion of the Colossus, seizing control of various areas, including the engineering deck, corridors, turbolift, and Doza Tower. The super battle droids overwhelmed Captain Doza's security droids and caught Ace Squadron off guard. Following a firefight, Captain Doza and Yeager were also captured in Doza's office, but not before disabling several super battle droids.
In the meantime, "B1" freed Neeku, Xiono, and Synara from their cell. They fought their way through the corridors, eliminating several pirates, including Drell, Valik, and Skreek. Upon reaching Doza's office, they discovered that the pirates had captured Doza, Yeager, and 4D-M1N.
Kragan intended to force Doza, Yeager, and 4D-M1N to walk off the hangar. Shortly thereafter, Neeku and his companions arrived and confronted Kragan. Kragan ordered his battle droids to eliminate them. However, Neeku commanded "B1" to instruct the super battle droids to arrest all the pirates, except for Synara. With the battle droids under Neeku's control, the pirates' mutiny was thwarted.
Following the failure of Kragan's mutiny attempt, Synara persuaded Captain Doza to release the pirates, arguing that imprisoning them would consume the space station's limited time and resources. As a precautionary measure, Synara convinced Doza to confiscate their weapons, disable the hyperdrive of the pirate ship Galleon, and release them on the condition that they never return to the Colossus. A defeated Kragan accepted the terms, but harbored resentment towards Synara, whom he had raised as a daughter. Synara retorted that exile was a merciful punishment and that her debt to him was repaid.
Later, Neeku informed Kaz that he had learned the art of espionage from Xiono, suggesting that his naiveté and clumsiness had helped deceive the pirates.
The Mutiny on the Colossus was first depicted in "The Mutiny," an episode from Season Two of Star Wars Resistance, which premiered on Disney XD on January 5, 2020.