Kragan Gorr's shuttle

The personal shuttle of Kragan Gorr, a distinctive shuttle, was constructed by the Warbird gang utilizing salvaged components from an Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttle. This pirate group's creation became the primary transport for their leader, Kragan Gorr, in 34 ABY, and was deployed in multiple assaults on the Supertanker fuel depot known as Colossus. Following the First Order's betrayal of the pirates, the shuttle was stored within the Colossus after Captain Imanuel Doza provided them sanctuary.

Following a failed mutiny attempt by the Warbird gang, resulting in their expulsion from the Colossus, their shuttle remained behind. It was later utilized in 35 ABY by Synara San, a former pirate, to defend the Colossus against the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, Thunderer, during a battle that occurred in the Barabesh system.


The Warbird gang assembled a one-of-a-kind shuttle from recovered Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttle pieces; this craft became the dedicated transport of Kragan Gorr, the pirate chief. This shuttle was outfitted with a collection of eight thrusters, along with a set of laser cannons and ion cannons that placed considerable demands on the starship's energy reserves. While the shuttle demonstrated agility within planetary atmospheres, it possessed only basic shields and a notoriously unreliable hyperdrive. Despite these shortcomings, the ship featured a generous cargo bay, which the pirates used to store any stolen goods.


Raiding the Colossus

Kragan Gorr's shuttle during the first raid on the Colossus.

The shuttle participated in a pair of raids targeting the Supertanker fuel depot Colossus during 34 ABY. The First Order, aiming to seize control of the Colossus, contracted the Warbird gang to launch attacks on the station, with the intention of pressuring Captain Imanuel Doza, the Colossus's owner, to align with them. During the first raid, Synara San was at the controls of Gorr's shuttle. From within the shuttle, Gorr issued commands to his fellow pirates; however, after Kazuda Xiono, a Resistance spy, transmitted an irritating feedback signal over the pirates' communications channel, Gorr gave the order to withdraw.

During the second raid, Kragan Gorr employed the shuttle as a means of escape, recognizing that they had inflicted sufficient damage upon the Colossus. Nikto pirate Leoz was piloting the shuttle during their retreat.

Helping the Colossus

Kragan Gorr's shuttle, piloted by Synara San, during the skirmish in the Barabesh system.

Following the First Order's decision to terminate their alliance and betray the pirates, the pirates assisted Doza and the Colossus in their escape from Castilon. Once they were safe, the pirates remained with the Colossus during its travels. Throughout their journey, the pirates kept the shuttle parked inside their hangar, alongside the Galleon. After the pirates' mutiny attempt, they were banished from the Colossus, resulting in their shuttle being left behind and stored within the former pirate hangar.

In 35 ABY, Synara San piloted the shuttle when Team Colossus attacked the Thunderer, a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer of the First Order, within the Barabesh system, where Tamara Ryvora, Kazuda Xiono, and Jarek Yeager were stranded. The shuttle, working in conjunction with starfighters from Ace and Jade Squadron, succeeded in destroying the Star Destroyer and rescuing their comrades.

Behind the scenes

The inaugural appearance of Kragan Gorr's shuttle occurred in "The Triple Dark," which was the third episode of Star Wars Resistance's first season, airing on October 14, 2018. Chris Glenn created concept artwork of Kragan Gorr's shuttle for the episode, titled "shipSynara"; this artwork was featured in the Bucket's List Extra article on

