Anakin riding Owen Lars' swoop bike.
A swoop, sometimes referred to as a swoop bike, represented a type of vehicle that utilized repulsorlift technology and was built with an emphasis on achieving high speeds. Essentially, it was a more risky version of a speeder bike, often characterized by both supporters and critics as simply an "engine with a seat." Despite possessing greater power compared to speeder bikes, swoops were unrefined and lacked sophisticated control mechanisms. Mastering them demanded a combination of inherent intuition, physical strength, and precise timing.
Across numerous planets throughout the galaxy, swoop races garnered considerable popularity, celebrated for their thrilling nature and association with an outlaw culture. While on Tatooine searching for his mother, Shmi Skywalker Lars, Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Padawan, made use of a Zephyr-G swoop that belonged to his stepbrother, Owen Lars. The criminal organization known as the Ohnaka Gang employed swoops for patrolling the vicinity of their base located on the planet Florrum.