The Zephyr-G swoop, a product of Mobquet, was a type of swoop that emerged roughly three decades before the events of the Invasion of Naboo. Owen Lars possessed a Zephyr-G on Tatooine before the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars/legends] commenced. While primarily intended for competitive racing, it was versatile enough to serve as a practical utility vehicle.

The Zephyr-G from Mobquet was a multi-purpose repulsorlift swoop, designed to accommodate a single rider, although a passenger could be situated, albeit somewhat uncomfortably, on the drive section. The bike's power generator was positioned at its rear, accompanied by a pair of cargo panniers, each capable of carrying up to 100 kilograms of goods. Its built-in safety mechanisms restricted its maximum altitude to 6 meters above ground level. Mirroring most swoops, it prioritized velocity and engine power over rider safety and ease of handling.
Owen Lars acquired his swoop bike from a Revwien merchant in Mos Nytram. Already two decades old when purchased, Owen repurposed the worn Zephyr-G, transforming it from a racing bike into a vehicle suitable for farm work.

During his frantic quest to find his mother, Anakin Skywalker used Owen's swoop bike, speeding into the Jundland Wastes in his pursuit. Although Anakin did locate the Tusken Raider encampment where Shmi was being held captive, the young Jedi only arrived as she succumbed to her injuries. After massacring a Tusken Raider tribe, he transported her body back to the Lars moisture farm on the swoop.
During the Battle of Jabiim, Anakin utilized a Zephyr-G swoop to reach the evacuation point as ordered by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Subsequent to his departure from Cobalt Station, Anakin's swoop bike was seized by several A-series assassin droids, compelling him to return on foot.