The Padawan Pack represented a makeshift group of Jedi Padawans, formed after their respective Masters perished during the Battle of Jabiim. The underlying hope was that a larger number of less experienced Jedi could achieve the same level of effectiveness as a smaller contingent of seasoned Knights or Masters. Out of all the members who comprised the Padawan Pack, Anakin Skywalker was the only one to survive the conflict. As the battle intensified, the Padawan Pack members succumbed to their fates, sometimes perishing together. Aubrie Wyn successfully eliminated the Jabiimi Nationalist leader, Alto Stratus, but she paid the ultimate price.
Each member of the group experienced the loss of their respective master amidst the fighting of the Clone Wars. Following the deaths of all Knights and Masters present on Jabiim, the Padawans launched themselves into battle without the guidance of experienced leadership. During the battle, Anakin Skywalker received orders from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to return to Coruscant. Taking Master Sirrus's holocron, Anakin reluctantly withdrew from the battle.

On the fortieth day of the engagement, Tae Diath met her end, falling victim to A-series assassin droids. Due to her psychic connection with Diath, Elora Sund was killed as the result of psychic backlash. The following day, Windo Nend was crushed beneath the wheel of a Hailfire droid. Zule Xiss's life was abruptly ended by a collapsing AT-AT.
On day forty-two, Mak Lotor and Kass Tod met their demise together after being struck by a barrage of incoming missiles launched from a Hailfire droid. On the subsequent day, Vaabesh's containment suit suffered a breach, leading to his suffocation. Aubrie Wyn was the last to perish, succumbing to her injuries sustained in combat with Separatist commander Alto Stratus.