During the conflict known as the First Order-Resistance War, a squadron of First Order starfighters was initially under the command of Lieutenant Galek, and later, Squadron Leader Tamara Ryvora.
This squadron, a part of the First Order starfighter corps, operated from the First Order Resurgent-class Star Destroyer called the Thunderer. While Lieutenant Galek was in command, the squadron primarily consisted of TIE/fo space superiority fighters. When Lieutenant Tamara Ryvora took over, the squadron's composition shifted to three TIE/sf space superiority fighters.
Following the Hosnian Cataclysm, several individuals from the Colossus, a supertanker fuel depot, chose to join the First Order after the station's liberation from First Order occupation by the station's captain, Imanuel Doza, the station's racer team known as the Ace Squadron, and Resistance agents during the Battle of Castilon. These former residents, now First Order cadets Tamara Ryvora, Jace Rucklin, and Lin Gaava, were assigned to Lieutenant Galek's squadron aboard the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Thunderer, which was under the command of Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny.
Ryvora (designated DT-533), Rucklin (designated DT-798), and Gaava, along with three other TIE pilot cadets, participated in a training exercise. The cadet who shot down the most Microraptor-class target drones in their TIE/fo space superiority fighter would be promoted to squadron leader. DT-533 achieved the highest score, but after DT-798 was accidentally injured by another cadet, she assisted him in landing safely. As a result, Galek denied her the promotion, asserting that the First Order gains strength by eliminating the weak.
Eventually, the Colossus was located on the Outer Rim planet Aeos Prime, the homeworld of the Aeosian species. Galek's squadron was deployed to the planet to escort TIE/se Bombers. Galek oversaw the squadron's deployment from the Thunderer's command bridge. The squadron engaged the Ace Squadron, who were supported by the native Aeosians riding their krakavoras into battle. Ryvora was taken aback to see the ship of her former employer on the Colossus, Jarek Yeager, in the conflict. The TIE bombers managed to drop some bombs on the Colossus's engines, but the Aeosians destroyed one with their vibro-blade spears.
The combined forces of the Ace Squadron and the Aeosians managed to eliminate several of Galek's fighters as the Colossus ascended into space. An officer informed Commander Pyre that the TIEs were suffering significant losses, prompting him to order the Star Destroyer's crew to fire on the Colossus's engines. The Ace Squadron retaliated by attacking the Thunderer directly. Ryvora realized that Yeager would never be so reckless and correctly deduced that it was likely one of his other employees, Kazuda Xiono. Ryvora attempted to shoot down Xiono, but he launched a missile at the Thunderer's bridge, forcing her to break off and destroy the missile. The explosion damaged Ryvora's fighter, causing her to make an emergency landing in the hangar. Pyre remarked to Galek that Ryvora was an impressive pilot and inquired about her identity, to which Galek responded.
The Colossus successfully entered space and jumped to hyperspace. Later, Tierny and Galek visited Ryvora in her barracks. Tierny informed her that they were impressed with her skill and bravery in battle and that she was being promoted to second squadron commander. Ryvora saluted her superiors, pleased with her promotion.
Later in the war, the Resistance X-wing squadron known as Jade Squadron, along with a portion of the Ace Squadron broke through the First Order's blockade over Dantooine in an attempt to secure three Resistance shuttles carrying recruits for the Resistance. Commander Pyre of the Thunderer moved the ship to Dantooine and deployed Galek's squadron to engage the Resistance starfighters.
Under the leadership of Lieutenant Galek and Second Squadron Commander Tamara Ryvora, the squadron engaged the Ace Squadron and Jade Squadron, aiming to destroy the three shuttles carrying Resistance recruits. During the initial dogfight, the squadron lost three fighters to Jade Leader Venisa Doza. Resistance pilots Kazuda Xiono and Hugh Sion joined Venisa Doza in attacking Galek's fighters, while the others were tasked with protecting the shuttles. Ryvora nearly collided with Xiono's ship, the Fireball. She pursued Xiono but was shot by Sion, causing her fighter to spin out of control.
Ryvora struggled to regain control of her fighter as the rest of the squadron battled the Resistance starfighters. The squadron lost some fighters, but one of the TIEs managed to hit the second shuttle in the rear, though Ace Squadron's Torra Doza shot down the TIE before it could inflict further damage. With half of the squadron's TIEs destroyed, Ryvora attempted to convince Galek to retreat, but the lieutenant insisted on completing the mission.
As the battle continued, Galek pursued Xiono and managed to score a minor hit on his ship. The Resistance pilot was unable to shake off his pursuer and acknowledged Galek's skill. Venisa Doza then ambushed Galek, shooting her down. DT-798 informed Ryvora that Galek was dead and that, as Second Squadron Commander, she was now in command. Ryvora was conflicted between her duty as a First Order pilot and her reluctance to kill the innocent people on the shuttles. DT-798 informed his commanding officer that he had an opening on one of the shuttles and was going for it.
The Resistance fighters responded to 798's attack, but it was too late, and 798 successfully shot down the shuttle, securing a small victory for the First Order, though the remaining Resistance ships jumped to hyperspace. Ryvora, secretly disgusted by the deaths of the people on the shuttle, ordered her squadron to return to the Thunderer. On the Thunderer, Agent Tierny promoted Tamara to lieutenant, making her the new leader of the squadron.
After Ryvora's promotion, she and DT-798 were granted a brief break. Ryvora questioned why the First Order was overworking them. DT-798 mentioned a rumor of a significant upcoming mission that would require all available personnel. Ryvora was puzzled, but their conversation was interrupted when the Thunderer exited hyperspace. The two pilots rushed to the viewport and saw that they were at Aeos Prime.
Ryvora was surprised that they had returned to Aeos after the squadron's previous engagement there. Multiple other Star Destroyers emerged from hyperspace and began firing on the planet. Ryvora was horrified, but DT-798 argued that the Aeosians had previously harbored Resistance fighters and were receiving their due punishment, and that as squadron leader, Ryvora should accept it. Ryvora believed that there were still innocent people there and she ran away.
Ryvora contacted her former friends on the Colossus, informing them of her desertion from the First Order. Ryvora falsely claimed to her superiors that she was taking her squadron on a training mission, but Tierny, unconvinced, sent DT-798 along with her. Ryvora led the squadron to Castilon, where she intended to meet her former friends. Upon arriving at the planet, the squadron spotted the stolen First Order shuttle that Ryvora's former colleagues, Jarek Yeager and Kazuda Xiono, had used to reach the planet.
Ryvora fabricated a story, claiming that it was a shuttle that had been reported missing months ago. She instructed her squadmates not to engage, but DT-798 recognized Xiono and Yeager and ordered all TIEs to open fire. Ryvora struck him with her elbow, knocking him unconscious, but it was too late, and the TIEs began firing at the shuttle. Ryvora managed to shoot down her squadmates, effectively disbanding the squadron. Ryvora reunited with Xiono and Yeager, and DT-798 would later die in the Battle of Barabesh.
Initially, the squadron was led by Lieutenant Galek, a flight instructor and member of the First Order Special Forces. Galek was a demanding instructor who believed that the Order grew stronger by eliminating the weak. Following Galek's death during the blockade of Dantooine, Tamara Ryvora was appointed squadron leader. However, due to her moral compass, she quickly deserted after witnessing the atrocities committed by the First Order.
Lin Gaava and Jace Rucklin were also members of Galek's squadron. The latter was an ambitious pilot who initially had a friendly rivalry with Ryvora, although he eventually became jealous when Ryvora rose through the ranks while he did not. Nevertheless, Rucklin remained loyal to the First Order, even when they were about to execute him.