A vibro-blade spear design was utilized by the Aeosians who resided on the planet known as Aeos Prime. Upon activation of these spears, an illuminated connection formed between the spearhead and staff, accompanied by electrical discharges surrounding the blade. When in this state, the spears demonstrated the ability to render an older B2-series super battle droid inoperable, as well as deflect incoming blaster fire. In addition to the main blade, these spears featured a secondary point located above it, which emitted a blue glow upon activation. The spears also incorporated golden embellishments, primarily concentrated around the junction of the staff and spearhead.
A modified version of this spear was wielded by the tribe's queen; this particular spear was distinguished by an increased quantity of golden material and the presence of two additional points extending from the main blade's sides, giving it a visual resemblance to a trident.
In order to showcase the Aeosians' harmonious relationship between technological advancement and the natural world, the design team incorporated gold veins within the sea rock formations found in the planet's tunnels. This visual element served to create a connection to the golden metal used in the Aeosians' armor and weaponry.