Zeta Squadron, an integral component of the First Order's military forces, was a squadron that operated TIE/fo fighters. Notable members included Commander Jad "Scorch" Bean, also known as Zeta Leader, and the skilled Zeta Ace, "Longshot." Following the destruction of Starkiller Base, the surviving TIE/sf space superiority fighter pilots were eager to redeem themselves after their perceived failure by engaging the Resistance. "Scorch" and his squadron were involved in a battle above the planet D'Qar, where they faced Resistance bombers designated MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 and accompanying X-wing starfighters. Due to the advanced technologies derived from the Galactic Empire's TIE Advanced program, which were implemented in First Order starfighters, and the absence of a cumbersome galactic bureaucracy, the squadron's pilots experienced improved survival rates compared to those of the Galactic Empire.
The initial appearance of Zeta Squadron was in the first issue of the Star Wars: Captain Phasma comic series from 2017. This comic, released on September 6, 2017, was produced by Marvel Comics, with Kelly Thompson as the writer and Marco Checchetto as the illustrator. Concurrently, the squadron was also introduced in Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game via The Force Awakens Core Set, alongside an article previewing the Core Set on its release date, September 9, 2015.