A Quick Salvage Run

"A Quick Salvage Run," the second installment of Star Wars Resistance's second season, marks the series' twenty-third episode overall. Its initial broadcast occurred on Disney Channel on October 13, 2019.

Official description

With the Colossus critically short on hyperfuel, they stumble upon the desolate remains of a battle at D'Qar. Kaz sees this as an opportunity to resupply.

Plot summary

The episode commences with a view of Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny's Resurgent-class Star Destroyer in the vastness of space. Tamara Ryvora, now serving as a First Order TIE fighter pilot, is seen in her quarters. Two other pilots pass by her. The male pilot inquires of his comrade whether she's heard about the impending release of the new T-S Sevens model. She responds that she favors the VE series, citing its superior power.

After their departure, Tam retrieves her comlink to listen to Kazuda Xiono's message. In it, Kaz confesses his error in concealing his identity and purpose on the Colossus. However, the arrival of Jace Rucklin interrupts her as he recognizes Kaz's voice, causing Tam to quickly end the message. She scolds him for his stealthy approach.

Jace cautions her that possessing the comlink could lead to trouble with the First Order, urging her to surrender it. Tam questions whether he would report her if she refused. Jace affirms he would be compelled to do so, emphasizing that her friends deceived her. He accuses Kaz and Jarek Yeager of exploiting her and withholding the truth about Kaz's role as a spy, thus endangering her. Rucklin then asks what her decision will be.

A bumpy voyage

Within Aunt Z's Tavern on the Colossus, Kazuda Xiono remarks to Neeku Vozo about the heightened activity since the arrival of the pirates. Neeku expresses his fascination with the pirates, musing about his potential as one. A drunken Bith pirate then coughs in Neeku's face before laughing and stumbling away. Kaz suggests finding out and offers to buy Neeku a drink.

He instructs G1-7CH to prepare two drinks, but the droid informs them of dwindling supplies. Neeku notes that the platform's reserves of food, water, gorgs, and fuel are rapidly depleting at the current consumption rate. Synara San highlights the growing severity of the issue and asks Kaz if he has discussed it with the captain. Kaz assures her that they will be able to refuel and resupply at their destination.

When Synara presses Kaz for their destination, he declines to disclose it. Synara says he can keep his secret and offers to help in anyway. Just then, the Hassk pirate Snarl is thrown onto their table and Synara flicks him off. Kaz accepts her offer.

Soon after, he receives a comlink message from Jarek Yeager, summoning him to the command deck for an incoming long-range communication. Neeku wonders if it is from Tam but Synara asks why she would contact Kaz if she defected to the First Order. Neeku says he will refrain from comment before backing away.

Synara challenges Kaz about contacting Tam. Kaz explains that he sent a message to ensure her well-being and implores her to keep it confidential. Synara advises him to consider whether Tam is trustworthy. Kaz retorts that he trusted Synara. Synara offers no response but wears a concerned expression.

Transmission from Hamato

In the Colossus command bridge, Kaz asks Yeager the origin of the transmission. Yeager is unsure but emphasizes its secure frequency and urges him to answer before the signal is lost. Kaz discovers that the transmission is a hologram feed of his father Hamato Xiono. Kaz is amazed that his father survived the Hosnian Cataclysm.

Hamato expresses his relief at his son's safety. Kaz inquires about the rest of their family. Hamato informs Kaz that their family was offworld during the Hosnian Cataclysm. He reveals that he and Kazuda Xiono's mother had been trying to reach their son for days. Hamato informs Kaz that the galaxy is now officially at war. Kaz urges Hamato to join them at D'Qar, but he advises his son to distance himself from D'Qar.

Xiono insists he cannot because people are depending on him. Hamato warns him that he is unaware of the situation he has gotten himself into. The transmission begins to degrade. Hamato reveals that the First Order has identified him and that his actions have endangered their entire family, potentially attracting bounty hunters. The transmission then cuts out. Xiono cries out for his dad.

Just then, 4D-M1N informs Captain Imanuel Doza that they are nearing the Ileenium system but that magnetic interference is disrupting communications. Doza instructs her to approach cautiously and scan the area upon reaching range, anticipating potential threats.

Arriving in the Ileenium system

A stormtrooper escorts Tam and Rucklin to Agent Tierny and Commander Pyre on the bridge of the Star Destroyer, stating that these two recruits requested to see her. Tam presents the comlink to Agent Tierny, reporting that Kazuda Xiono contacted her. Tierny suggests leveraging the comlink and seeks Commander Pyre's agreement, which he grants before departing. Tierny dismisses Cadet 533 and allows Tam and Rucklin to leave.

The Colossus approaches D'Qar and its planetary ring. Neeku reports that he is receiving only static from the Resistance base. Yeager suggests that the Resistance was recently engaged in a fight. The crew observes scattered starship wreckage and a blazing inferno on the planet's surface. Xiono attempts to contact the Resistance base but receives no response. Yeager concludes that they arrived too late. Xiono is horrified that the Resistance base has been destroyed by the First Order.

As they navigate through the debris, Yeager tells Kaz that this was a major engagement and that there are no survivors. Yeager attempts to reassure Kaz by suggesting that Commander Poe Dameron and General Leia Organa are likely on the far side of the galaxy. Captain Doza supports Yeager, emphasizing the compromised nature of the area. He advises an immediate jump to hyperspace.

Enlisting the pirates

Neeku points out that the destruction of the Resistance base prevents them from replenishing their coaxium [hyperdrive](/article/hyperdrive] fuel. He notes their inability to jump anywhere. When Captain Doza inquires about sourcing coaxium, Kaz points to a wrecked First Order Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought in the distance, speculating that it might contain coaxium.

Yeager endorses the idea and suggests sending a team if scans confirm its abandonment. Kaz suggests that they have the best salvage team around. Captain Doza asks if he doesn't mean the pirates. Kaz believes the pirates will eagerly assist.

In Aunt Z's Tavern, the pirates engage in mock combat while their leader Kragan Gorr laughs at Kaz's request for assistance to Captain Doza. Gorr asserts their independence from Captain Doza, while the Weequay pirate Drell declares their allegiance solely to Captain Kragan. Kaz is disheartened.

He attempts to persuade the pirates of the necessity of cooperation for survival. However, Snarl rubs his face against Kaz and laughs aloud. Synara tells Snarl to back off. Kaz responds that if the First Order shows up, they cannot run away and are all doomed. Synara intercedes, enticing Kragan with the prospect of weapons and tech aboard the wrecked ship. Kragan agrees to help but warns that Captain Doza is going to owe them big time.

The hunt for the Colossus

Meanwhile, a First Order lieutenant informs Commander Pyre that they have decrypted 533's comlink and have traced the signal back to the Ileenium system. Pyre realizes that is D'Qar and asks why they would go there because they wiped out the Resistance base. Tierny suggests that the Colossus is unaware of that development and remarks that Tamara is becoming quite the asset. Commander Pyre orders the Star Destroyer to set course for D'Qar and prepare all TIE fighters for battle. He expresses hope that it is not a waste of his time.

Later, a stormtrooper summons Tam, designated DD-533, to a meeting with Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny. Tam and Rucklin stand at attention as the two First Order senior officers enter the room. Tierny congratulates Tam that her information has helped them to discover the location of the Colossus. Tam pretends to be pleased.

Tierny tells Tam that she listened to the message that Kazuda Xiono sent her and thinks that it must have caused her great pain and anger to hear his "heartless admission of betrayal." Tierny says she can't imagine how it would make her field except to further her conviction that she made the right choice. She tells Tam that is why she wanted to do something special for her. Tierny invites Tam to join her and watch the price of her friends' betrayal. Tam pretends to be grateful while a smiling Rucklin playfully elbows her.

A salvage operation

The Warbirds depart in their sail barge Galleon towards the wrecked Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought. Kaz tells Synara that the dreadnought is massive and that he has never seen such a big ship. Kragan observes that the ship still has power and tells Valik to dock the Galleon against the hangar. Kaz reminds them that they need to get in and out fast because the First Order could arrive any second.

The pirates, Kaz, Neeku, and CB-23 step into the darkened corridors of the dreadnought. CB-23 warns them in Binary that the air supply is low and Kaz translates for her. Kragan leads the salvage team in a certain direction. Valik tells Snarl to grab that crate. Neeku tells Valik that he finds her life choices intriguing and asks her what is life like being a pirate.

Valik replies that it is mainly pillage and plunder while Snarl adds salvaging. Synara tells the group to stop lagging. Skreek tells Kaz and the group that he has found some coaxium by the door. Xiono and the pirates enter the dreadnought's hyperdrive chamber. Kaz contacts Neeku by comlink, telling him that he found the coaxium and the hyperdrive.

Neeku soon enters carrying several boxes of salvage. When Kaz asks what is going on, Neeku replies that life being a pirate is exhilarating. Kaz tells him to put it down because they need his help. Neeku remarks that he did not know being a pirate would be so much work.

Neeku observes that the hyperdrive was badly damaged but that the reserve canister of coaxium is still intact. Synara tells him to grab it and go. Neeku presses a red button but finds that the coaxium canister is still locked. When Kaz asks if they can unlock it, Neeku replies that the locks are very sophisticated. Kaz says that he doesn't do "sophisticated" but only does fast. Kaz is fearful that the First Order will arrive.

Skirmish above D'Qar

Aboard the Star Destroyer, Tam stares into the viewport with Agent Tierny and Commander Pyre. The ship soon emerges out of hyperspace near the Colossus. Agent Tierny smiles and says there she is. Aboard the Colossus command deck, Yeager warns Captain Doza about the appearance of the First Order Star Destroyer. Doza sighs that it was only a matter of time and asks Kaz if he is there. Kaz tells Doza they have found the coaxium. Doza tells him to get back to the ship.

The First Order bridge officer tells Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny that he has detected the Galleon inside the dreadnought. Pyre remarks that the pirates are up to something suspicious. Tierny orders that the TIE battalion be dispatched to engage the Colossus. As TIEs approach the Colossus, Captain Doza orders Ace Squadron to scramble their ships in order to buy the pirates some time. Torra Doza fires up the Blue Ace and the Ace fighters exit their hangars to engage the TIEs.

Hype Fazon tells them to stay sharp or they will join this junk field. Captain Doza radios Kaz and tells him and the salvage team that they are engaging the First Order to but them some time. Kaz says they will be back in five minutes. Synara asks CB-23 if she can burn through the coaxium canister's locks. The droid lights her blowtorch but Neeku warns that shaking or releasing the coaxium would be dangerous. Kragan responds that they don't have time for this and applies pressure onto the nozzle despite Kaz's protests.

Commander Pyre orders his Star Destroyer's gunners to fire on the wrecked dreadnought. Kragan manages to trigger open the coaxium's hatch but the coaxium cylinder slips out onto the floor. Kaz manages to stop it from falling over the edge and tells them they have to evacuate while they still can.

Evacuating the coaxium canister

The outnumbered Ace fighters lead the TIEs on a chase through the debris. Torra Doza tells them to fly around the debris. Freya Fenris doesn't think the debris will make a difference because they are outnumbered. As the battle rages, Neeku, who is holding the coaxium cylinder, struggles to maintain his balance in the dreadnought's corridor. While navigating their way through the corridor, they encounter Snarl and Valik, who are laden with loot. Kaz is outraged that these pirates are still obsessed with loot while Kragan tells them to head back to the Galleon.

Aboard the Star Destroyer's bridge, Commander Pyre tells Tam that the Colossus won't escape them this time. As the Star Destroyer opens fire on the wrecked dreadnought, the Galleon narrowly escapes the explosion. Kaz tells the Aces that they have the coaxium and to return to the Colossus. Torra tells her fellow pilots to retreat.

Freya remarks that these TIE fighters are good with Torra responding that they are here to kill them. The Galleon is hit in the rear by enemy laser fire. Kragan tells Synara to prepare the portside cannons. Synara manages to activate the portside cannons and also the starboard cannons, taking out one TIE fighter. With difficulty, Valik manages to land the Galleon inside the Colossus hangar.

Kaz and Neeku cradle the coaxium cylinder as the ship makes a rough landing. Neeku questions Kragan's definition of a gentle landing. After disembarking, he tells Captain Doza they have acquired the coaxium and are heading to the hyperdrive chamber. Under Doza's orders, 4D-1MN prepares the Colossus for a hyperspace jump.

Installing the coaxium

Kaz, Neeku, Synara, and CB-23 enter the hyperdrive chamber. Kaz passes the coaxium cylinder to Neeku and tells him to work his "magic." Neeku wishes that the First Order would be so kind as to stop bombarding them for a micro-second. Over the intercom, Captain Doza asks the Aces where they are. Torra replies that she is coming in now. The Aces enter their hangars with TIEs hot on their trail.

Meanwhile, Neeku says that he must first release the inner casing gently. An alarmed Kaz says that releasing it is a bad idea. Neeku warns it may explode. Freya and the other Aces crash-land into the hangar. As the Star Destroyer strafes the Colossus, Neeku removes the volatile inner casing. Synara warns that the coaxium is growing brighter.

4D-M1N warns Captain Doza that the shields cannot hold on any longer. When Captain Doza tells Kaz and his team to hurry up, Kaz whispers that you cannot rush these things. As Neeku places the coaxium into a slot, the gunnery officer informs Commander Pyre that the Colossus has lost its shields. He orders the Star Destroyer to wipe out the station. Neeku manages to slot the coaxium into the hyperdrive just as Quadrant C takes hull damage and Doza asks Kaz where is his power. The hyperdrives come to life and 4D initiates a hyperspace jump.

A narrow escape

Aboard the Star Destroyer, Tam breathes a sigh of relief while Agent Tierny and Commander Pyre are visibly disappointed. Pyre reassures them they that have only lost them temporarily and thanks DD-533 for her invaluable help. Before Tam can leave, Tierny asks Tam to notify them if Xiono reaches out to her again. Tam says of course and prepares to leave. Tierny reminds her to put on her helmet before turning back to the viewport. Pyre tells Tierny that Tam needs to be reconditioned. If she can be reconditioned to their cause, she can be expendable. Tierny disagrees and says that it is advantageous that they keep Tamara as she is. She surmises that Tam is key to finding the Colossus.

As the Colossus travels through hyperspace, Captain Doza thanks Kaz for his good work. Kaz says that he could not have done it without Neeku, Synara, and CB-23. Doza thanks them all. In private, Yeager confides to Captain Doza that something troubles him. If the First Order had already wiped out that base, there would be no reason for them to return to D'Qar. He asks how they would know how to find the Colossus. Doza speculates that we must have triggered something when they arrived at D'Qar. Yeager replies maybe.

Meanwhile, Synara asks Kaz and Neeku to consider how the First Order was able to track them down. She confronts Kaz about the conmlink message he sent to Tam. Kaz refuses to believe that Tam gave them up. Neeku supports Kaz but Synara warns that she can't be too sure.


