Unidentified female First Order TIE fighter pilot

A person, specifically a female human, served the First Order as a pilot. She was stationed aboard the Thunderer, a _Resurgent_-class Star Destroyer. Following the attack on Hosnian Prime in 34 ABY, this pilot and a colleague of hers walked through the Thunderer's barracks, passing a cadet, DT-533. Her colleague mentioned that the T-S Seven would be released in the next cycle. In response, the pilot voiced her preference for the VE series, considering it to possess greater power. The pilot's attire consisted of the standard black uniform worn by First Order pilots.

Behind the scenes

This pilot made an appearance in "A Quick Salvage Run," the second episode of Star Wars Resistance's second season. The episode was broadcast on October 13, 2019. She was credited as "TIE Pilot #2," with Jennifer Hale providing the voice. An early look at the pilot was available in the trailer for "A Quick Salvage Run," which was uploaded to the official Star Wars YouTube channel on October 9, earlier that week.

The dialogue between the two pilots is reminiscent of a conversation from the original Star Wars movie, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, released in 1977. In that film, two Imperial stormtroopers discuss the new VT-16, a conversation that has been referenced in many other Star Wars stories.

