The BT-16 represented a technological advancement utilized by the Galactic Empire. Its introduction occurred around the time of 0 BBY, marking it as relatively recent. During the moment when Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi disabled the first Death Star's tractor beam to facilitate the escape of the Millennium Falcon from Docking Bay 327, he happened to hear a conversation between two stormtroopers concerning the BT-16.
Disney+ subtitles refer to it as VT-16. Sam Witwer, a voice actor, included additional dialogue for stormtroopers in other Star Wars movies. These lines alluded to the BT-16 scene by referencing the T-15, T-16, T-17 and T-18. Within Star Wars Legends continuity, the BT-16 was a specific type of perimeter droid.