The BT-16 perimeter droid, alternatively referred to as the VT-16, represented a spherical, arachnid-like droid model. It was produced by Arakyd Industries.

The BT-16 was outfitted with highly sensitive sensor arrays. These included a Fabritech seismic reader alongside a Carbanti motion detector. For armament, it possessed a Taim & Bak repeating blaster cannon. Moreover, the droid incorporated a TranLang I Communication module and a vocabulator. However, its speech capabilities were limited solely to droid languages.
Initial production runs made use of the chassis design from the TS-Arach series Pest Control Droid. Later, the six-legged configuration was adopted. The B'omarr Monks employed these droids to transport the brains of individuals who had attained "enlightenment". Consequently, they were sometimes known as Brain walkers. Occasionally, the droids were fitted with vocoders and resided within Jabba Desilijic Tiure's Palace until his demise. While carrying a brain, the walkers were typically unarmed and found it difficult to perform tasks other than walking.
A second-hand BT-16 perimeter security droid was in service with the Katarn family, who were farmers located on Sulon, a satellite orbiting Sullust. Due to a defective sensor package, the droid—programmed to eliminate pests—malfunctioned and fatally shot Patricia Katarn.
A modified B'omarr variant, seemingly without a brain, was present on Jib Kopatha's residence, Void Station, during 0 ABY.
The non-canon story Tag & Bink Are Dead reveals that Tag Greenley and Bink Otauna are the stormtroopers who reference the BT-16 in the aforementioned conversation. However, because the story is non-canon, this information is also non-canon.
In Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids, the BT-16 image is a mirrored version of the TS-Arach series Pest Control Droid image from the same source. The New Essential Guide to Droids clarified that early BT-16 models reused the TS-Arach body before the design seen in the movie was introduced.