Patricia Katarn

Patricia Katarn was the spouse of Morgan Katarn and the parent of Kyle Katarn.


Near the conclusion of the Galactic Republic's rule, Morgan became enamored with her, and they entered into matrimony.

Kyle's sole recollection of her involved an incident when he was weeping, and his mother embraced him, providing him with a sense of security and ease.

One evening, while she was working late near the Katarn estate, she met her demise when the BT-16 perimeter security droid belonging to the family experienced a sensor malfunction. Erroneously identifying Patricia as an enemy, it commenced firing, resulting in her immediate death. At that point, Kyle was quite young and possessed scant memories of her.


Her passing left the Katarn family heartbroken, and it also had a huge impact on the farm, as her labor was crucial. A widowed father, along with his underage son, had a hard time keeping it going. One of the reasons Kyle decided to leave home at a young age was to ease some of the financial strain on his father.

Candice Ondi evoked memories of Patricia for Morgan.

The family maintained a three-dimensional printed image displayed in the Katarn homestead, positioned between the living area and the workshop. During the years when the residence had been looted, Kyle discovered it askew upon his return in 5 ABY. With care, he rolled it into a cylindrical shape, secured it using a wire, and took it with him until Jan Ors collected him aboard the Moldy Crow.

Subsequently, Ors located the cylinder and the print within the vessel; following an initial wave of envy, she identified Patricia by observing her eyes.

Personality and traits

Patricia possessed admirable human qualities, including eyes that were passed down to her son.

