Katarn family compound

The Katarn family compound served as the residence for the Katarn family on Sulon. It was the childhood home of Rebel operative Kyle Katarn. This compound formed a portion of the larger Katarn estate, notable for its intricate network of irrigation channels.


The family had owned the compound for an unspecified time period, but it was before Kyle Katarn's birth. Following Patricia's passing, the workshop became the central hub of the homestead. It was there that Morgan Katarn dedicated a significant amount of time with his son, Kyle.

Morgan constructed the kitchen counters using stones sourced from a quarry located north of the estate. Around 1 BBY, he embedded a complex map leading to the Valley of the Jedi into the ceiling of his workshop, following the instructions provided by the Jedi Qu Rahn.

During the Subjugation of Sulon, the Ghost Battalion launched an assault on the house with the intention of capturing Morgan. However, he was outside at the time and only witnessed their departure. Brazack, Koyo, and Santo forced open the workshop door and deployed an Anti-Personnel Grenade to incapacitate WeeGee. The Imperial commandos then proceeded to ransack the house and set it ablaze before leaving. Fortunately, the sprinkler system activated and prevented total destruction. Following this event, individuals who learned of Katarn's supposed death arrived to loot the property. Over the subsequent four years, others trespassed, defacing the walls with graffiti, stealing Morgan's tools, and using the living room as a campsite, leaving behind piles of trash. WeeGee remained in place, disabled and covered in plaster.

Years later, during Jerec's search for the Valley, 8t88, an agent of Jerec, also searched the house and discovered several holodiscs that had belonged to Morgan. Most of these discs contained information about farming or agriculture, or were family recordings, but he did manage to recover one that was encrypted. Unable to decipher it, he attempted to lure Morgan's son, Kyle, to Rimmer's Rest. Instead of cooperating, Katarn managed to retrieve the disc himself. However, Jerec had already used his abilities to probed Rahn's mind and learned of the map's existence. He dispatched Sariss, Yun, and Boc to investigate. Upon locating the map, they removed the workshop's roof. Several corridors, including the one leading to the workshop, were collapsed by remnant forces. Maw stationed Grave Tuskens both in the vicinity and within the complex to impede anyone who might visit the compound before Jerec could reach the Valley of the Jedi.

Kyle's return

Kyle Katarn investigating his abandoned home.

Kyle arrived at the compound just after the Dark Jedi had departed. He fought his way through the Grave Tuskens to reach his father's workshop. Inside, he found the family droid WeeGee, whom he reactivated, a message from his father concerning the Valley of the Jedi, and Qu Rahn's lightsaber, which had been left for him.

He later returned with Rebel agent Jan Ors and WeeGee to find some equipment to connect to the severed head of the droid 8t88. By doing so, they were able to view a digital version of the map to the Valley of the Jedi. Overjoyed, he embraced Jan and they shared their first kiss, before apologising. Kyle then confessed that this place where he had left his heart, and it was the proper place to have feelings again. Just then, an X-wing landed outside, carrying Luke Skywalker. Luke had come to check on their progress regarding the Map. He confirmed that Kyle's training was complete and, as a Jedi Knight, he should travel to Ruusan to fulfill the Poem of Ages.

The home was once again abandoned when Luke, and shortly after, the agent duo, departed to continue their quest for Ruusan.


To conserve resources and provide insulation, half of the house was constructed underground and surrounded by earth.

The compound comprised several structures connected by passageways, with some integrated into the natural landscape. The rooms within these structures included a kitchen, living room, courtyard, workshop, and garage. The house was built around a small waterfall, providing the compound with its own private dam and water reservoir. The compound's power was supplied by a live battery trench, a pool filled with battery acid.

The kitchen had a back door, and its counters were made of stone from the quarry north of the estate. The Map to the Valley of the Jedi was made from stone from the same quarry.

While Morgan lived alone, the living room was largely unused and neglected. The workshop, being an agro-tech mechanic, was where Morgan spent the majority of his time, filled with tools, blueprints, schematics, and monitors. After his death, most of his tools were stolen.

The complex had many data ports scattered, allowing Wee Gee to connect and monitor the entire farm. The household computer controled several facilities of the house, including the sprinkler system (fed by the Tap Tree).

Behind the scenes

In Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, levels 3 and 4, titled "The Return Home to Sulon" and "The Jedi's Lightsaber" respectively, take place both inside and outside the Katarn family compound. Despite the impression given in the novellas that the Katarns were not particularly wealthy, the Katarn estate is actually quite extensive, as depicted in the game. The compound features numerous rooms, and the irrigation system appears to stretch for miles. The name Katarn family compound was first mentioned in the Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II: The Official Strategy Guide.

