Subjugation of Sulon

During the events of 1 BBY, amidst the backdrop of the Galactic Civil War, Imperial forces operating under the command of High Inquisitor Jerec conquered the moon known as Sulon.


Leading up to 1 BBY, Sulon colonists, dissenting against the policies of both the Galactic Empire and the SoroSuub Corporation regarding the moon's management, secretly formed an armed resistance movement. To ensure their autonomy from external energy dependencies, they developed a geothermal energy network named G-Tap, and they also initiated colonization efforts directed toward the planet Ruusan.

Driven to suppress any signs of resistance, the Empire dispatched a small force, overseen by High Inquisitor Jerec, with the mission to subdue Sulon and eliminate the Rebel presence. Only a single Imperial I-class Star Destroyer was deemed necessary, under the assumption that a larger vessel was not required for the operation. Inquisitor Jerec's flagship, the Vengeance, was under the command of Captain Thrawn – a direct assignment from Emperor Palpatine himself – while the ground troops were commanded by Major Noda.

The battle

The military action was executed with a two-pronged objective: to crush the Rebels on Sulon and, concurrently, to frame the Rebel Alliance, making it appear as if they were responsible. To achieve this deception, all soldiers and vehicles were adorned with Rebel insignias, although the ruse met with limited success.

Specialized elite soldiers belonging to the Empire's Ghost Battalion launched an effort to locate the local Rebel leader, Morgan Katarn. They obliterated eleven homesteads, including both Katarn's and Danga's, and carried out massacres of entire families, all in an attempt to further discredit the Rebels. Despite the raid's success in terms of destruction, they failed to find Katarn.

Having survived the initial onslaught, Katarn gathered with other Rebels, who then chose to organize themselves and mount further resistance, believing that the primary target was their G-Tap installation with the goal of forcing them to purchase a fusion plant and pay taxes. Katarn argued that they should remain hidden, as the attack was merely a ploy to expose and eliminate them; however, Skorg Jameson's opinion prevailed, asserting that the Sulonese should defend their autonomy and demonstrate their strength within the Rebellion.

The Rebels decided to engage in war and assembled at the installation, all the while being observed by highly modified Imperial probe droids that relayed their movements to Jerec.

AT-ATs and AT-STs advanced toward the G-Tap, supported by modified assault vehicles. The colonists suffered the loss of two squads within the first thirty seconds of the engagement. Katarn also experienced the loss of the majority of his team.

After several hours of combat, the surviving Rebels sought refuge within the cavern, attempting to withstand the assault for as long as possible. Despite their efforts, two groups of stormtroopers pushed them into the main chamber and overwhelmed them after a short skirmish. Most of the Rebels were killed, with the exception of the leaders, who were taken aboard the Vengeance for interrogation. Katarn, Jerec's main target, was finally brought before him; upon refusing to cooperate, the old man was executed by the Dark Jedi himself.


Kyle with a recording showing his father's fate.

With all resistance on the moon eliminated, the Galactic Empire assumed direct control, and Inquisitor Jerec was appointed Governor, ordering the construction of a Government House in the heart of the capital, Barons Hed.

Outside the city's fortifications, the heads of fallen Rebels were displayed as a warning, with Morgan Katarn's head prominently featured, impaled on a spear crafted from bones by Maw, one of Jerec's Dark Jedi minions.

Kyle Katarn was informed of his father's demise at the hands of Rebels, which intensified his dedication to his role within the Empire. He would eventually discover the truth behind the massacre and defect to the Rebels, ultimately becoming a hero of the Alliance, the New Republic, and the New Jedi Order, in addition to avenging Morgan's death.

