The edifice known as Government House, alternatively referred to as the Dark Palace, was erected atop the Barons Knoll hill, situated within the urban expanse of Barons Hed on the Sulon moon.

Following the Subjugation of Sulon in the year 1 BBY by Jerec, this Dark Jedi briefly assumed the role of governor over the moon and during that time, he ordered the construction of the Palace. After Jerec's departure, the responsibility for the Palace was delegated to his majordomo, who continued his service under the executives who succeeded Jerec.
In the year 5 ABY, Jerec sought the Valley of the Jedi, prompting some members of his Seven Dark Jedi to revisit Sulon. Their mission was to pilfer the map leading to Ruusan from the Katarn homestead; subsequently, the map's components were transported to the Palace. Concurrently, 8t88, an information broker droid in Jerec's employ, had failed to secure Kyle Katarn's cooperation, resulting in the loss of an arm. He then retreated to Sulon, where he was accommodated in the palace as a dignitary on a personal mission for Lord Jerec, accompanied by his hornagaunt pet, Grendel. During his stay, 8t88 was attended to by humans named Rol and Trox, as well as the Gamorrean Hontho. The majordomo, aggravated by the droid's overbearing demeanor and disdain for biological beings, assigned him the coat room as a "guest suite," intending it as a subtle jest to amuse the staff.
Subsequently, following the arrival of a spare arm from another model 88-series administration droid, 8t88 arranged various tools on a table within the room and proceeded to install the new arm. Afterward, he decided to assess its functionality by summoning the "fool in charge" to inquire about the "pedigree" of his guest room. The majordomo initially attempted to maintain that it was a VIP suite suitable for the droid's tasks, but 8t88 made it clear that he was aware of the room's true purpose. After punishing him as an example, his screams frightened the birds from the nearby eaves.

8t88 later relocated to a more opulent study featuring a wooden floor, an intricately carved table, and a throne-like chair, where he resumed his work on the Map. Having transmitted his 3d reconstruction to Jerec aboard the Vengeance, his minion Yun was dispatched back to Sulon with a contingent of Stormtroopers tasked with destroying the original map. Meanwhile, Katarn, in pursuit of the Map, infiltrated the tower, eliminating Rol, Trox, and Hontho. He located 8t88, but arrived too late as Yun emerged from an elevator in the ceiling, leaping onto the table and destroying the map's tiles with his lightsaber. He subsequently attacked Katarn, affording 8t88 an opportunity to escape. Although this marked Katarn's initial triumph over a Dark Jedi, he spared the Dark Jedi's life. The youth escaped by floating towards the ceiling, and just then Kyle realised that 8t88 had also fled. A shuttle was departing the Tower just as Jan Ors was circling the roof with the Moldy Crow.
At that moment, Stormtroopers stormed into the room, but upon seeing "a Jedi" deflecting their shots with his lightsaber, they attempted to retreat; a noncom shot one of them in the knee to force them to fall back. Kyle made his way to a stairwell and to the roof platform where he was picked by the Crow, and then followed 88's shuttle southward towards the Fuel City.
Constructed from stone and reaching a considerable height, its elevated position atop the city's central hill provided a commanding view of the cityscape, inspiring awe among the populace. Weapon emplacements were installed to safeguard the building.
The residences around it, situated at or near the hill, were occupied by the city's wealthiest inhabitants.
The building featured luxurious guest rooms, as well as a ballroom, adjacent to which was a humble coat room, a dreary location without windows.