
Hontho, a Gamorrean of the male persuasion, was an associate of 8t88, functioning as a henchman alongside Trox and Rol following the Battle of Endor.

In the year 5 ABY, these individuals were in service to 8t88, who was then a dignitary acting on a private endeavor for Jerec on the planet Sulon; they were present alongside him at the Government House located in Barons Hed. They put up with the strange behaviors of the deranged droid.

Hontho was there when Jerec's majordomo tried to justify the droid's assignment to a modest chamber. When the droid requested the majordomo to come closer to hear him better, Hontho and Rol exchanged glances, knowing that the droid's amplifiers could pick up even the faintest sounds from afar. As the majordomo moved forward, the droid seized him and relieved itself, causing the human guards to display their disgust, but Hontho remained unaffected.

During Katarn's infiltration of the Government House with the goal of apprehending 8t88 to gain knowledge about the Valley of the Jedi, Hontho met his demise.

