Fuel City

Fuel City, situated ten kilometers south of the spaceport near Barons Hed on Sulon, functioned as a large fuel storage and distribution center, servicing the nearby spaceport.


It is likely Fuel City was constructed after 5 BBY, given that Kyle Katarn was unfamiliar with its existence upon his return to his homeworld after ten years.

Imperial stormtroopers and hired Trandoshan mercenaries provided security for the complex. Ugnaught workers were responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the facility's extensive operations.

In that period, Gorc and Pic, subordinates of the Dark Jedi Jerec, were stationed aboard the Sulon Star, a cargo ship owned by Jerec. This ship was docked at station six, while two other stations were occupied by a fully automated vessel and a smaller craft.

Following 8t88's completion of his mission for Jerec, the Dark Jedi directed him to Fuel City to receive his "reward." Rebel Alliance agent Kyle Katarn, in pursuit of 8t88, observed his shuttle departing from Barons Hed and followed it in the Moldy Crow. WeeGee deduced that the shuttle was headed to the station, as it was the fastest route off the planet.

Katarn arrived at the fuel station during his attempt to sneak aboard the Sulon Star. Landing on the roof, Katarn infiltrated the station, navigating past Imperial stormtroopers and hired Trandoshan mercenaries. The rebel advanced through the main fuel station, shutting down the fuel pipes to use them as a pathway to the refueling gantry where the Sulon Star was docked.

Inside the ship, he found the droid deactivated and had to battle the Brothers of the Sith. After defeating them and retrieving the droid's head, an alarm was raised. Stormtroopers flooded the ship and the station's catwalks surrounding it. Zyak and Nomo ordered the pipes to be bled and the valves closed; however, the bleeding process was only seventy percent complete, and there was a relay issue with the valves. At that moment, the Crow returned to extract Katarn. Zyak launched weapons from the missile batteries, but the Crow destroyed a storage tank, using the resulting explosion to divert the heat-seeking missiles. Additional explosions ensued as three nearby tanks detonated.

The Moldy Crow flees the exploding Fuel City.

Amidst the explosions of fuel canisters around the station, the Crow successfully extracted Kyle from the top of the Sulon Star. TIEs pursued the ship, but the first was shot down near a storage unit and crashed into a tank. Shrapnel from the crash punctured a fuel line, causing a leak that was ignited by flaming debris; the burning fuel engulfed the maintenance facility.


Fuel City was a sprawling fueling complex, comprised of nine fuel stations, each equipped with a refueling gantry. From a distance, the complex was characterized by hundreds of randomly distributed lights, creating shadowy patterns.

The stations utilized interconnected tractor beams to hold even the largest ships in place during refueling. Rows of storage tanks supplied the stations, connected by a network of large fuel pipes necessary to deliver the vast quantities of fuel required by starships; some of these pipes were large enough for a humanoid to traverse when empty. There were at least forty-six valves present.

The primary fuel station was a large cylindrical structure with a central fuel tank. Fuel pipes connected to a refueling gantry, each of which was guarded by several Imperial Stormtroopers.

Operations was responsible for the pumps, while switching managed the valves.

Safety protocols mandated that ships being serviced keep their locks, hatches, and ports open, allowing autohoses to enter in the event of a fire while the crew evacuated. Stops prevented larger defensive weapons from firing on the fueling stations.

Behind the scenes

In Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, level 9, titled "Fuel Station Launch," takes place within the fuel station. The player navigates through it to reach the Sulon Star. In the novel Dark Forces: Rebel Agent, Kyle Katarn does not traverse the fuel station to reach the Sulon Star; instead, he boards the ship using his own small vessel, the Moldy Crow. The game did not name the fuel station, but it was given the name "Fuel City" in the novella, as was the refueling gantry, which was designated "Station six."

In the game, some pipes near the level's conclusion feature three faces of Max as an easter egg.

