Max was a deranged, small-statured, and ruinous character belonging to the bunny family. Throughout his adventures, he associated with a canine and New Republic operative Kyle Katarn. His image appeared in several places across the galaxy, most notably at Fuel City on the planet of Sulon. On Sulon, Max resided at the House of Max, situated in the main metropolis of Barons Hed. Later on, he joined forces with Katarn to track down Derrida, a Ketton agent who had sought shelter at the Kwenn Space Station. Max and Katarn successfully captured their target, but almost demolished the installation in the process.
Max was a miniature rabbit, inherently murderous and insane. He frequently collaborated with a thinking dog companion and was considerably dangerous in his line of work, despite asking for only a modest payment.
Images of Max could be found in at least a couple of spots: A depiction of his head graced the interior of a Buick spaceship as well as gas lines inside Fuel City on the world Sulon. In 5 ABY, Max was lodging at the House of Max in the town of Barons Hed, the primary city of Sulon. He was sharing a room with a Human woman and had equipped himself with a customized Bryar pistol capable of firing continuous blasts.
One day, when Max's companion chose to visit a nearby market, a man named Kyle Katarn forced his way into their residence. Katarn, a New Republic representative, was pursuing a personal quest against the Dark Jedi Jerec and sought to reach the city's Government House. There, the droid 8t88 was translating a map to the Valley of the Jedi, which Katarn's deceased father had vowed to safeguard.
Katarn had committed himself to pursuing the issue; however, Gran thugs and Grave Tusken soldiers roamed the streets of Baron's Hed, making Katarn's journey perilous. Max decided to accompany Katarn on his expedition and employed his heavily modified pistol against the numerous thugs in a chaotic and frantic manner. Once Katarn arrived at the Government House, the two separated.
Katarn and Max later collaborated once more to capture the Ketton agent Derrida. They found her on Kwenn Space Station, situated in the outer regions of the Mid Rim. They successfully apprehended Derrida but nearly wrecked the station in the process.
A remarkably destructive being, Max was afflicted with diminished mental capabilities. His intelligent dog partner regarded him as considerably dangerous, and when Max was chasing Derrida on Kwenn Space Station, his actions, combined with those of his ally, Kyle Katarn, almost leveled the structure. Max had white hair and brown eyes.

The character Max is from artist Steve Purcell's animated media franchise, Sam & Max, which first achieved commercial success in 1987 as a full-length publication. Purcell eventually began working for LucasArts as an animator and began writing Sam & Max comics for the LucasArts quarterly magazine The Adventurer, including several that spoofed Star Wars. In 1993, LucasArts released the first Sam & Max game, Sam & Max Hit the Road, which Purcell helped design. Max, sometimes accompanied by Sam, has also made secret cameo appearances in several other LucasArts video games, including Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure, The Secret of Monkey Island, and Day of the Tentacle, among others.
Max also makes cameos in a number of LucasArts Star Wars games, including Star Wars: Dark Forces (1995), in which the outline of Max's head is visible on a map of the Ice Station Beta facility; Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (1996), which uses Max's likeness to represent a "Challenge Point" icon in the game's Mos Eisley level; Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II (1997); and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike (2003), which includes Max's head in the "pilot area" of the game's un-lockable Buick feature.

However, 1997's Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II remains Max's most significant cameo. In the game, Max is featured in two cameos, the lesser appearing in "Level 9: Fuel Station Launch." At the end of the level, the player can see three images of Max's face on a part of Fuel City's docking array. However, the more significant cameo takes place in "Level 5: Baron's Hed – The Fallen City." If the player moves across the lowest step of a staircase in the early stages of the level, a woman in a nearby building will open a door and leave. If moving quickly enough, the player can sneak in through the opened door. If too slow, the player can wait for the woman to return and reopen the door. Within the building, standing on a large chair, is Max, armed with a Bryar pistol. If the player interacts with Max, the bunny will help the player throughout the rest of the level. Should the player fire on Max, the bunny will return fire. Players can also interact with Max once more to activate the "MaxCam," which shows the level from Max's perspective.
The Dark Forces II strategy guide later identified Max by name and provided tips to help players find the "Easter egg." Max's physical appearance in the game hews closely to Purcell's original drawings, and his zealous wielding of a proportionally oversized gun is culled directly from the Sam & Max mythos.

Regarding Max's legitimacy within the Star Wars Legends timeline, The Dark Forces Saga, a series of game scenarios written by Jason Fry and Abel G. Peña in 2005, identified one of Kyle Katarn's comrades as a "demented, pint-sized hare." The same phrase had previously been used to describe Max within Sam & Max Hit the Road, and Peña later confirmed that the hare in question was indeed Max. Peña purposely referenced Max in connection to the spy Derrida as a homage to the real-world philosopher Jacques Derrida, a Deconstructionist. Peña felt that the message of Deconstructionism as appropriate when referencing a "quasi-canonical Easter egg" like Max because Star Wars continuity, like reality, is uncertain and will "always be undermined."
When asked about the canon status of Simon the Killer Ewok from the 2001 video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, Leland Chee, manager of Lucasfilm's Holocron continuity database, compared Simon to Max.