Grendel, a hornagaunt with clipped wings, served as the pet of the administrative droid 8t88.
Grendel's origins trace back to the storm-wracked planet of Tertiary Kesmere, prior to his acquisition by 8t88. Despite the droid's cold and calculating nature in most aspects, he displayed a unique fondness for his pet. Grendel, in turn, dutifully followed his master's commands, accompanying him wherever he went.
During 5 ABY, while stationed at the Government House of Barons Hed on Sulon as a dignitary on a private mission for Jerec, 8t88 had Grendel by his side. Jerec's majordomo, attempting a jest, assigned the droid to quarters of lesser "prestige" than he believed was warranted. When questioned, the majordomo feigned practicality, citing the needs of 8t88's job and his pet. The droid, recognizing the underlying anti-robotic prejudice, retaliated by crushing the majordomo's skull and offering the remains to Grendel.
This act served as a grim lesson, prompting the servants to provide the droid and his pet with more opulent accommodations, including a throne-like chair. Once his mission concluded, Grendel, appearing agitated, nudged 8t88 with his tail while growling and crouching. 8t88 attempted to soothe Grendel, seemingly bothered by Jerec's recent discourteous communication, remarking that Jerec, being a "biological," was not much different from a hornagaunt. At that moment, Grendel caught a scent in the air and stood alert, noticing Kyle Katarn entering the room. However, the arrival of Yun diverted Katarn's attention, allowing 8t88 to escape, dragging the reluctant Grendel, who left claw marks on the floor, toward an elevator leading to the Dark Tower's roof.
The droid and his pet then boarded a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, flying south to Fuel City, where they boarded the Sulon Star. 8t88 had been instructed to collect his payment there. Observing Grendel's tail wagging expectantly, 8t88 "condescended" to let him come along, ostensibly as a bodyguard, though he would have preferred the beast to remain behind.
Upon reaching the wardroom, they encountered Gorc and Pic, who were waiting for him. Despite 8t88's expectation that Grendel would protect him, he was unable to prevent the Brothers of the Sith from decapitating him. Afterward, they propped the droid's body on a chair, anticipating Katarn's arrival, while Grendel remained in the same compartment.
Indeed, when Katarn infiltrated the Sulon Star in search of 8t88, he sensed Grendel's familiar presence through the Force and followed it, assuming he would find the droid. Suddenly, the droid's head tumbled to the floor, and Gorc revealed himself to threaten Katarn, tossing the head to Grendel, who devoured it whole. Grendel then watched as Gorc attacked Katarn, only to be defeated; Pic followed suit shortly after.
Grendel, stimulated by the aroma of blood, lunged at Katarn with a ferocious roar. Katarn, reacting swiftly, used his lightsaber to sever the creature's head above the jaw. The body collapsed near a locker, causing it to open and spill its contents onto the floor. Desperate to retrieve the information about the Valley of the Jedi stored in 8t88's memory, Katarn cut open Grendel, sliced open the largest of its three stomachs, and recovered the droid's head.
Grendel is initially introduced as 8t88's pet in the novella Dark Forces: Rebel Agent, playing a significant role in his master's narrative. In the audio drama adaptation of the Rebel Agent novella, 8t88 refers to Grendel as a vornskr.
In the earlier game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, which Rebel Agent adapts, Grendel is absent and unmentioned. After 8t88 is deactivated, Kyle Katarn discovers him, raises his blaster to fire, but then the droid's detached head simply falls to the floor.
However, the game developers may have at one point considered including Grendel, as evidenced by an unused, fully textured model and animations found within the archives of the Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith CD.
"Grendel" is the name of the monstrous antagonist in the epic poem Beowulf.