Major Noda served as an officer within the ranks of the Imperial Army.
During 1 BBY, Noda received an assignment to Jerec's fleet and was given the responsibility of eliminating the Rebel forces stationed on Sulon. As part of the preparations for the Subjugation of Sulon, Noda received instructions to apply the Rebel crest to his vehicles. This was intended to tarnish the Rebels' reputation by portraying them as aggressors. Despite complying with the order, he questioned its logic, finding it implausible that the Alliance would seize such equipment.
Noda was in command of an AT-AT that advanced towards the G-Tap. His vehicle moved along the downstream path, accompanied by a pair of AT-STs.
The ground troops successfully drove the defenders into the cave. The remaining thirty-seven survivors who were able to stand were assembled and categorized near the G-Tap. Noda, utilizing a datapad containing profiles gathered by Jerec's agents and probe droids, personally examined and identified each individual. Jerec's directive was to detain key figures for interrogation and execute the remaining individuals.