Candice Ondi

Captain Candice Ondi, a Human female colonist hailing from Sulon, became a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War, where she functioned as an intelligence officer.


In the year 1 BBY, Candice Ondi served within Alliance Intelligence, her role being the creation of anti-Imperial propaganda broadcasts. A mutual attraction developed between Katarn and Ondi.

She originally owned the customized protocol droid known as A-Cee, and she carried a holocam with her.

During the Subjugation of Sulon, she obtained footage from Morgan's electrobinoculars which documented the attack by commandos on his farm. Anticipating an Imperial attack at the G-Tap, she journeyed there with A-Cee, intending to document the events, and was joined by Morgan and other Rebels. Candice perceived Morgan's false optimism, and they exchanged polite words, wishing each other well.

Candice and Morgan engaged in combat together. They witnessed the deaths of Jen and Trol, after which Morgan instructed her and the remaining survivors to retreat to the caves, but first requested the assistance of A-Cee. As they retreated, Morgan recounted the events leading up to the assault to the droid and facilitated the droid's departure.

That was their final encounter, as Morgan retreated while she reported on the story; Candice suffered a fatal wound when the second AT-ST arrived, and A-Cee rushed to her side. She attempted a final statement, and passed away in his arms.

Personality and traits

At the time she died, Candice Ondi was of middle age. She possessed brown hair and large, greenish-brown [eyes](/article/eye-legends] that Kyle Katarn believed reflected her intelligence. He considered Ondi to be attractive and his father found her physically appealing. The manner in which she removed a piece of lint from Morgan Katarn's shoulder struck him as a personal gesture, reminding him of his deceased wife.


While on duty, Ondi wore a makeshift Rebel "uniform" consisting of gray coveralls.

Behind the scenes

The narrative in Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire depicts a tense final meeting between Morgan Katarn and Candice, just prior to the Imperial assault, indicating that they never saw each other again, as they both perished in the battle. However, the audio drama reveals that they fought together until Morgan ordered her to lead others to the caves.

