
Prior to her demise at the G-Tap located on Sulon, A-Cee, a protocol droid, was the property of Candice Ondi. This particular droid boasted a chrome exterior, a zoom lens replacing one of its photoreceptors, the capacity to record one thousand hours of audio and video, and the ability to speak "dozens" of languages. A cable extending from a compartment on his lower-right side enabled connections to computer input panels, facilitating the playback of his recordings.

To safeguard sensitive data, A-Cee was programmed to detonate should capture or intervention by the forces of the Galactic Empire become imminent.


Captain Candice Ondi had A-Cee as a companion in her role as an information officer serving the Alliance. Anticipating an Imperial attack at the G-Tap on Sulon, he accompanied her, seeking additional footage. His substantial recording abilities made individuals such as Morgan Katarn uneasy in his presence.

As the Rebels retreated during the battle, Morgan instructed Candice and other survivors to seek refuge in the caves, but first requested the droid's assistance. Morgan used some time to upload recordings from his electrobinoculars, documenting the assault on the Danga estate and his, along with a narration of the events leading up to the Imperial assault. He then instructed the droid to proceed to the spaceport to find the Alliance leaders, providing cover for its escape. A-Cee was a witness to Candice's death while she was reporting, and he rushed to her side; she passed away in the droid's arms.

Following the Imperial assault, A-Cee arrived at Barons Hed aboard a truck, concealed beneath a tarp. After passing through a checkpoint guarded by Stormtroopers, he recorded the severed heads of captured Rebels.

With Jan Ors

After leaving Sulon, A-Cee became the possession of Rebel Agent Jan Ors, who later had an assignment aboard the Star of Empire. When Kyle Katarn initially entered Jan Ors' quarters on the Star of Empire wearing an Imperial officer's uniform, A-Cee's photoreceptors identified the Human and his attire, perceiving a class three threat, and initiated his self-destruct sequence. With only moments remaining before the droid's explosion, Ors overrode the subroutine using the code "Override code alpha, bravo, zeta, one-niner-six." Ors realized that Officer Katarn was the son of the recently deceased Morgan Katarn, who was secretly a local Rebel leader, and used A-Cee's footage to show him the Empire's atrocities.

A-Cee connected his torso cable to the room's input panel, displaying a holographic recording of Ondi's report. This convinced Kyle that his father was a Rebel fighting Imperial forces, who had staged a Rebel "terrorist" assault. Kyle then demanded to see what happened to his father. Ors reluctantly allowed A-Cee to display the images of the beheaded Rebels, including Morgan's head, which demonstrated the Empire's true nature to Kyle. Witnessing Kyle's distress, Ors commanded A-Cee to cease the display.

However, their presence and operations were discovered by the bounty hunter Slyder, and the Imperial Governor Dol Donar, who dispatched a force to apprehend them. The following day, Ors received a warning from Katarn and, taking A-Cee with her, headed towards the hangar deck. As they exited the hatch, A-Cee checked his apertures and switched to record mode, just as Slyder and Imperial soldiers attempted to intercept them. A-Cee, ever diligent, paused to record their pursuers. The brief moment he took to capture the scene before fleeing was enough for Slyder to take aim. A-Cee was struck in the back, damaging a subprocessor and forcing an emergency shutdown.

Capture and destruction

A-Cee prior to self-destructing

While Imperials were hunting Ors to the hangar, and boarded yacht to pursue the Truly Sorry, the Governor believed that the droid held secrets in his memory and insisted on taking the droid with them while they hunted the Rebels. A (much-abused) technician was on board, and A-Cee's body was spread-eagled on a table. The technician connected its CPU, subprocessor, and power supply to a panel and flipped a switch. Regaining "consciousness," A-Cee recalled the events that had transpired as Donar, his son, and the technician approached him. The Governor's son, wearing a Class B Imperial uniform, triggered the self-destruct sequence once more. Everyone on board attempted to deactivate him, but time was running out. Slyder, in his anger and desperation, began firing at everyone, and the others were killed in the explosion of four point two kilos of plitex nine.

A-Cee's destruction took with it the yacht that was closing in on the Sorry, enabling the Rebels to safely return to the New Hope.

Behind the scenes

In the audio adaptation of Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire, the voice of A-Cee is provided by Tim Russell.

The role of A-Cee in the Battle of the G-Tap differs slightly between the novel and the drama. In the novel, he remains with Candice until her death, after which he manages to hide in a truck and reach the spaceport. In the drama, Morgan Katarn, during the battle, requests to borrow him from Candice while she retreats, and then narrates the prelude to the Battle. He then instructs the droid to depart, providing cover for his retreat to the spaceport.

