Nathan Donar III

Nathan Donar III was a male Human who fought as an Imperial Stormtrooper within the ranks of the Imperial Military during the Galactic Civil War.


Born a Human male, he was the oldest offspring of Governor Dol Donar II and Rissa Donar. He was raised on his father's guiding principle: "only suckers take chances".

His training took place in the same Academy of Carida class as Kyle Katarn. Nathan frequently referred to him as "Rimmer."

After Katarn's Omega Mission, Nathan noticed him leaving the Base's hospital, and he grabbed his arm to congratulate him. Kyle casually freed his arm and offered a brief wave of acknowledgment. Later, after hearing numerous accounts of Katarn's heroic deed, Nathan located him in the library and extended an invitation to the mess hall. They were joined by other cadets, and Nathan amused them with his own exaggerated version of Katarn's story, which even Odom Meck, Katarn's roommate, found amusing. He expressed surprise that Kyle hadn't yet contacted his father to share the news, and questioned whether he might be a Rebel sympathizer.

During the graduation ceremony, he was appointed as the Cadet Company Commander. Tasked with safely guiding his column along the Cliffside's edge, he was responsible for initiating the turn. Recognizing the importance of precise timing, he deviated from Academy tradition by placing a small, self-adhesive marker at the point where the call should be made. During the march, he was preoccupied with the awareness of his parents' presence, the sun's glare, and the urge to relieve himself. Consequently, he missed the marker and was forced to improvise. Estimating the optimal moment, he ordered the Company to turn left. As they "walked the edge," those on the right flank, including Kyle Katarn, felt the edge beneath their feet. He then repeated the order and led his company to the stands without any casualties.

During the extended ceremony, he lost consciousness while Rom Mohc and Jerec presented awards to Kyle Katarn. That evening, he consumed a significant amount of Novanian grog and wine with his friends and family, eventually vomiting inside a friend's groundcar and suffering a hangover.

Subsequently, his family embarked on their family yacht and boarded the liner Star of Empire. On the observation deck, he encountered Katarn again, jokingly suggesting that if he had known he would be there, they would have offered him a ride on their yacht. He insisted that Kyle join them for dinner with his parents, suggesting he could "latch on." Before Kyle could respond, Nathan pulled him along and introduced him to his parents as his heroic and decorated classmate and friend. Lando Calrissian then approached and invited his father to a game of sabacc, leading them to the ship's Corellia Room.

Later that evening, Nathan relaxed in their cabin, silently reading sports news amidst the palpable tension between his parents. His father had lost a substantial sum to Calrissian. The quiet was broken when a bounty hunter named Slyder insisted on meeting the governor, casting a curious glance at their family droid as it announced him. Nathan smirked as the Rodian's distinct body odor filled the room. The Rodian presented holo-footage revealing Rebels on board the ship, including his friend Kyle, interacting with the female one, and seemingly defecting. Nathan was torn between believing Kyle was a traitor or simply captivated by her. He watched as his father angrily ordered the bounty hunter to apprehend them.

Loyal to his friendship, he attempted to warn Katarn to avoid Jan Ors, sending a message suggesting she wasn't worth jeopardizing his career and advising him to prepare for questioning. This message alerted Kyle to the fact that their actions were known, prompting him to warn Ors about her impending capture. Nathan, dressed in his class B uniform, then joined Slyder and other Imperial military personnel to intercept Ors in an ensuing skirmish. They pursued her to the hangar deck, where she was headed to her ship, the Truly Sorry. As they emerged from the airlock, her accomplice Ris Waller opened fire from the ship's turret, scattering them. Kyle, observing from the ship's cockpit, was relieved to see Nathan safely duck into a secondary airlock.

The Sorry managed to escape the hangar. The group then boarded the family's yacht to pursue the ship. His father insisted on bringing along the remains of the droid that had been with Ors, and a technician attempted to reactivate it on the yacht. Unbeknownst to them, the droid was programmed to self-destruct when in close proximity to Imperials. Realizing his fate, Slyder began firing at the humans to inflict as much damage as possible before the inevitable explosion. Nathan met his end there as well.

Personality and traits

Nathan possessed a nasal voice, similar to his father's, and his face was characterized by a long, thin nose and beady brown eyes, which Katarn perceived as conveying a false sense of amiability. Despite Nathan's frequent approaches to "Rimmer" Katarn, Kyle found Nathan irritating. He disliked his voice and being called "Rimmer," a derogatory term implying he was a Sulonese from the Outer Rim.

His mother's criticisms of his drinking habits were a sensitive topic. Beyond that, Nathan's primary motivation was gaining his father's respect, a subject that caused him to blush.

Behind the scenes

Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire audio drama featured Patrick Coyle as the voice actor for the character in the audio adaptation.

