Rissa Donar, a Human female, held the position of wife to Governor Dol Donar II and mother to Nathan Donar III.
She and her husband journeyed to Carida to witness their son's graduation ceremony at the Academy of Carida. Rissa felt apprehension when their son received the assignment of Cadet Company Commander, tasking him with leading his company close to the dangerous cliffside.
Following this event, they embarked on a cruise aboard the liner Star of Empire utilizing their family yacht. During the cruise, she was formally introduced to Kyle Katarn, her son's heroic classmate and "friend". They had a meal in the ship's Nebula Room, where Rissa only consumed a small salad of leaves and berries. When the young officer mentioned the alleged murder of his father by Rebels, Governor Donar erupted in anger, which disturbed Madame Donar, who was concerned that nearby passengers might be Rebel sympathizers or even Rebels themselves. She attempted to pacify him, but he disregarded her efforts.
Shortly thereafter, Lando Calrissian approached her husband and invited him to a game of sabacc. Aware of Dol's lack of skill, she tried to discourage him subtly with a frown, but Dol, already enthusiastic, accepted the invitation. While her husband and son went to the Corellia Room, she retired to the family suite, feigning a headache.
The following hours were strained within the Donar family cabin because, as Madame Rissa had feared, her husband had lost a substantial amount of money to Calrissian. The governor hoped that she remained unaware of his additional loss: the ring she had gifted him on their twentieth wedding anniversary. To suppress her anger, she quietly retreated to a corner, pretending to work on her embroidery. The awkwardness was interrupted when their family droid announced the arrival of a Rodian bounty hunter. The Rodian's strong body odor (partially concealed by cologne) compelled Madame Donar to cover her nose. The bounty hunter, named Slyder, revealed the presence of Rebel agents on the ship and the potential defection of her son's friend, Kyle, to their cause.
Later, her husband and son departed with Slyder to pursue the rebels, ultimately meeting their demise aboard their family yacht.
Rissa Donar is a minor character in Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire, but she does not appear in the audio drama. Her son, Nathan, takes over some of her functions.