Dol Donar II

During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Dol Donar II was a Human male who held the position of Imperial governor for Derra IV. Rissa Donar was his spouse. Nathan Donar III, his youngest offspring, was an alumnus of the esteemed Academy of Carida. He harbored intense animosity towards the Rebel Alliance.


By the year 1 BBY, Dol Donar II was serving as the Governor overseeing the planet of Derra IV. At that time, Donar was married to a woman by the name of Rissa, and they shared a son called Nathan Donar III. Dol frequently imparted the advice to Nathan that "only suckers take chances".

On the occasion of their twentieth wedding anniversary, Madame Donar presented him with a valuable ring.

In 1 BBY, the couple made a visit to the Imperial Academy situated on the planet of Carida to witness Nathan's class graduation ceremony. Subsequently, the family embarked on a journey aboard the opulent starship known as the Star of Empire. While on board, Nathan encountered Kyle Katarn, a fellow student, and extended an invitation for him to dine with his family, introducing him as a renowned and heroic friend. Donar displayed curiosity regarding Kyle's background and became incensed upon learning that his father had been killed by Rebel terrorists. He assured Kyle that the Emperor was devising something to counter them. He dismissed his wife's warning to lower his voice and disregarded her negative nod when Lando Calrissian approached them seeking a game of sabacc.

Following dinner, the father and son proceeded to the Corellia Room to join Calrissian. Initially, the businessman permitted Donar to win the initial hands to maintain his engagement in the game. However, this eventually led to Donar placing and losing substantial wagers, including his wife's anniversary ring. This resulted in several hours of strained silence within the family. Donar feigned attention to a blank computer screen, seeking to evade his wife's displeasure and hoping to recover the lost ring. He found the distraction he desired when their droid introduced a Rodian visitor, a bounty hunter named Slyder. The Donars exhibited annoyance at the alien's appearance, including his inherent Rodian odor masked by cologne. Instead of extending a greeting or welcome, the governor tersely inquired about his purpose. He was taken aback to learn that Rebels were present on the ship, initiating an uprising, causing him to drop his computer to the floor. To substantiate his assertions, the Rodian presented a holo-recording depicting a seditious exchange between Rebel agents and the female one interacting with Kyle Katarn. Enraged, Donar instructed Slyder to hunt and arrest them.

To that objective, he gathered some Imperial military officers to go with Slyder and his son; however, the Rebels managed to get away, partly because Nathan was kind enough to give his friend a heads-up. They returned accompanied by their droid, A-Cee. The Governor volunteered his own yacht for the chase, and for a reason that Slyder could not understand, he insisted on taking the droid's remains with them and had a technician to re-activate it. Slyder felt that the Governor's bulky presence somehow threw the operation off.

While in pursuit of the Rebel Truly Sorry, the harassed technician managed to reactivate the droid. A-Cee noticed Nathan's Imperial uniform, and began to self-destruct. Slyder, who already felt that the humans were too incompetent to be tolerated, began firing wildly before A-Cee detonated, eliminating everyone and destroying the yacht. Governor Donar met his demise in that chaos, alongside his son.

Personality and traits

Donar was a dedicated proponent of the Galactic Empire. Furthermore, he possessed a fondness for card games, particularly enjoying sabacc, although he acknowledged his limited proficiency in the game.

Kyle Katarn observed that the Governor consumed an amount of food during a single dinner that would have sustained Kyle for an entire week. He was an exceedingly obese man, characterized by three chins and fleshy hands, and he endeavored to conceal his physique by donning flowing, expensive clothing arranged in voluminous folds. He was often seen wearing shimmering, light-reflecting fabric that produced a rustling sound with his movements. He adorned his pinky finger with a ring featuring a five-karat Rol Stone. Additionally, he wore a monocle.

He possessed a nasal tone of voice, a characteristic inherited by his son. His eyes evoked in Katarn the image of turbolasers.

Behind the scenes

In the audio dramatization of Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire, Gary Groomes lent his voice to the character.

