TS-Arach series Pest Control Droid

The TS-Arach series Pest Control Droid represented a pest-control droid of the fifth-degree variety, created by MerenData.


This class five droid model, the TS-Arach series Pest Control Droid, was a diminutive droid measuring 0.3 meters in width. It possessed four legs, a single Human range photoreceptor with micro-scale vision capabilities, a pair of auditory receptors (one Human range, one high-frequency), and a basic personality matrix. The TS-Arach was armed with both a small blaster and pesticide dispensers. Its design allowed operation in almost any environment.


The purpose of the TS-Arach was to eliminate prevalent pests that posed a threat to agricultural yields. Utilizing its lifeform sensor in conjunction with an entomology database, the TS-Arach could precisely identify creatures and assess their potential danger to the crops it was tasked with protecting. Upon detecting a harmful creature, the TS-Arach would neutralize the threat using its blaster and pesticide dispensing systems. If the creature was deemed non-threatening, its presence would be recorded and reported to the farmer.


MerenData produced the TS-Arach series Pest Control Droid, selling it for 600 credits. Shortly before the Battle of Yavin in the year 0 BBY, Arakyd Industries unveiled a significantly redesigned iteration of its BT-16 perimeter droid, drawing considerable inspiration from the pest-control droid's design. By 1 ABY, the TS-Arach enjoyed substantial demand on colony planets situated within the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories.

Behind the scenes

The TS-Arach series Pest Control Droid was initially referenced in Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids, a Star Wars Legends supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by Drew Campbell and Eric S. Trautmann, published on April 1, 1997. It featured an illustration by Johannes Huber.


  • Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids (First mentioned)
  • The New Essential Guide to Droids

Notes and references
