Hangar Bay 327, alternatively called Docking Bay 327 or just Bay 327, functioned as a docking bay on the Death Star. A tractor beam projector and a control room supervised the docking bay. Its purpose was to act as a cargo loading area. To retain the station's internal atmosphere when the bay doors were open, an atmosphere containment projector was used. It was situated 400 meters above Detention Block AA-23 and immediately above a TIE fighter staging area.
The Millennium Falcon was brought into Bay 327 via a tractor beam following its capture by the Death Star. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca, avoiding being seen, started a secret mission to save Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan from imprisonment, while C-3PO and R2-D2 coordinated from the control center of Bay 327. Simultaneously, Jedi Master Obi-Wan deactivated the tractor beam that surrounded Bay 327, before facing Darth Vader, his former student, who killed him in a fight near the ''Millennium Falcon''. Skywalker and his companions successfully escaped, even with the interference of Imperial Stormtroopers.