A woman, who belongs to the female sex, served as the mother to Kazuda Xiono, a spy fighting for the Resistance. On the planet [Hosnian Prime](/article/hosnian_prime], the capital of the New Republic, she and her husband brought up their son in a prosperous family. Her husband was the senator Hamato Xiono of the New Republic. She, together with Hamato and the rest of their family, were fortunate enough to survive the destruction of Hosnian Prime by the First Order and subsequently tried to get in touch with their son.

The Xiono family included the mother of Kazuda Xiono, the [New Republic pilot](/article/new_republic_pilot], and she was a female. She and Xiono's father, Hamato Xiono, who was a senator in the New Republic, raised their son—born in the year 14 ABY—in wealth, as members of the upper class on the [capital](/article/capital] planet of the New Republic, Hosnian Prime. In 34 ABY, while Kazuda was operating as a spy for the Resistance on the supertanker fuel depot known as the Colossus, he inadvertently threw a holodart at Bolza Grool, a gorgmonger, prompting Grevel, an Aleena, to demand 1,500 credits from the spy, claiming he had lost the game. Kazuda replied that he didn't have enough money on him but could request money from his parents.
That same year, when the First Order carried out the destruction of Hosnian Prime, Kazuda's mother and Hamato, along with the rest of their family, managed to survive because they were not on the planet during the attack. Over the next several days, Kazuda's parents then tried to get in contact with their son. However, Kazuda thought his family was dead due to the disaster. When Hamato finally succeeded in contacting him, he informed Kazuda via hologram that they were still alive. He then cautioned his son that he had endangered the entire family, as the First Order had identified him and might dispatch bounty hunters. Despite the danger to himself and his family, Kazuda decided to continue his service to the Resistance.

The existence of Kazuda Xiono's mother was first hinted at in "The Recruit," the initial episode of the first season of Star Wars Resistance, the animated television series which was initially broadcast on October 7, 2018. She was first directly referenced in "A Quick Salvage Run," the second episode of the second season of Resistance, which was first broadcast on October 13, 2019.
Lucasfilm was presented with preliminary proposals for a potential third season of Star Wars Resistance by Brandon Auman and Justin Ridge, the show's executive producers. Auman mentioned in an interview that one suggested storyline involved reuniting with Kazuda's family, including Hamato, his mother, and Kazuda's older sister. The executive producer added that Hamato would have attempted to convince his son to betray the Resistance for the First Order in order to protect him. Auman noted, however, that Kazuda would have declined the offer, causing a conflict with the rest of his family—including his mother—who were all aligned with the First Order at that point in order to survive. However, the production ultimately concluded after its second season.