G1-7CH, most frequently called "Glitch," functioned as a hospitality droid within the walls of Aunt Z's Tavern. His responsibilities included serving the patrons and, when the situation demanded it, providing calculated estimations regarding the races, all while Aunt Z oversaw the betting operations.
Widely known as "Glitch," G1-7CH was a Hospitality droid in the service of the Gilliand Z'Vk'Thkrkza, more affectionately known as Aunt Z. During the era of the New Republic, G1-7CH performed his duties at Aunt Z's Tavern, a popular drinking establishment situated on the Colossus space station, which itself was anchored above the ocean planet named Castilon. This service droid not only poured and delivered beverages at the bar but also aided Z'Vk'Thkrkza in the crucial tasks of calculating odds and managing wagers for the various races held at the station.

In the year 34 ABY, G1-7CH found himself present when Kazuda Xiono, the newly recruited Resistance member and spy, received a greeting from Z'Vk'Thkrkza as he entered her tavern. Glitch was in the process of attending to the tavern's customers when Grevel, an Aleena, manipulated a holo-darts game against Xiono, which subsequently ignited a conflict with Bolza Grool, a Klatooinian. During the scuffle, Grool propelled Xiono directly into G1-7CH, causing the droid to lose control and spin wildly through the tavern, ultimately launching a cup that struck another patron on the head. Jarek Yeager intervened and brought the fighting to a halt by discharging his blaster into the ceiling, thereby capturing the attention of G1-7CH and everyone else present. Later on, after Xiono selected Torra Doza for the race that Neeku Vozo had volunteered him for, G1-7CH and Z'Vk'Thkrkza engaged in a discussion about the odds associated with different possible outcomes of the impending race. Z'Vk'Thkrkza then tasked G1-7CH with computing the probability of Xiono being consumed by aquatic creatures.
Later, G1-7CH was again at Aunt Z's Tavern when Xiono arrived, dejected, after receiving a scolding from his employer, Jarek Yeager, for an incident that resulted in some engines falling from Yeager's garage and into the ocean beneath the Colossus. During Xiono's conversation with Z'Vk'Thkrkza and Garma, G1-7CH was occupied with replenishing the stock on the shelves behind the bar. He then proceeded to serve a tray of beverages to Jace Rucklin, a human, who then extended an invitation to Xiono to join him and his crew for drinks.
G1-7CH was present in Aunt Z's Tavern when Xiono, Vozo, and Tamara Ryvora sought shelter from sporadic power outages. When Hype Fazon, the Rodian ace, sought refuge in Aunt Z's Tavern to evade the First Order's fuel delivery, G1-7CH served him his drink. Subsequently, G1-7CH was serving Ryvora and Vozo, among other patrons, when they noticed Xiono traversing the perimeter of Doza Tower. G1-7CH and Z'Vk'Thkrkza initiated betting on whether Xiono would fall, an activity that Al, Glem, and Jooks participated in. Shortly after the betting commenced, G1-7CH and the tavern's clientele gathered near the window to observe Xiono's progress, expressing their excitement and surprise as he advanced. The droid was a witness to Xiono successfully evading the First Order.
G1-7CH was present in the tavern when Yani and a Rodian patron were discussing the bounty placed on two human children named Eila and Kel. He was also there when the astromech droid BB-8 entered the tavern in search of Xiono. At one juncture, G1-7CH was at the bar when two Guavian Death Gang enforcerss entered the establishment and abducted Oplock, the Nikto mechanic of Marcus Speedstar, in an attempt to compel Speedstar to settle his outstanding debts. When Yeager entered the tavern and challenged Speedstar to the Platform Classic, Speedstar accepted the challenge. Z'Vk'Thkrkza then opened the bidding for the race, and G1-7CH provided assistance in collecting the wagers.
Later, G1-7CH was in attendance when Al, BB-8, Grool, R1-J5, Torra Doza, and Xiono were engaged in a game of holo-darts. During R1-J5's third attempt, the droid used a series of ricochets off various objects, including a cup being carried by G1-7CH, to strike Xiono in his butt. Subsequently, G1-7CH was tending the bar during a visit from Flix and Orka, who were merchants, along with their pit droid G-LN. After G-LN consumed some blurrgfire, the pit droid became uncontrollable and caused chaos within the tavern. G1-7CH pursued G-LN throughout the tavern while the pit droid's owners conversed with Z'Vk'Thkrkza. With the help of Grool and another astromech droid, G1-7CH managed to corner G-LN on a table. Grool then disabled the frenzied pit droid, and G1-7CH resumed his regular duties.
G1-7CH was present at Aunt Z's when MB-13A, a BB-series astromech droid affiliated with the First Order, entered the tavern and made threats towards Grevel. Soon after, MB-13A and G1-7CH collided with each other as First Order troopers arrived, prompting MB-13A to threaten G1-7CH with an electro-shock prod. G1-7CH fled from the menacing astromech while the troopers insisted that Z'Vk'Thkrkza display the First Order recruitment poster. Later, G1-7CH witnessed Z'Vk'Thkrkza attribute Fazon's disappearance to the First Order and express her opposition to their presence on the Colossus. Z'Vk'Thkrkza informed G1-7CH that she was not afraid to voice her opinions loudly and repeated them, much to G1-7CH's dismay. When troopers entered the tavern and approached Z'Vk'Thkrkza, G1-7CH moved away from her side. Upon being asked if there was a problem, Z'Vk'Thkrkza accused them of abducting individuals. The Gilliand then demanded that the troopers cease their recruitment activities in her tavern and threw their poster for them to take away.
At some point, Z'Vk'Thkrkza was apprehended by the First Order, leaving G1-7CH to manage the tavern on his own. The droid was struggling to fulfill the numerous drink orders when Torra Doza and Xiono arrived at the tavern in search of Z'Vk'Thkrkza. G1-7CH directed their attention to the two First Order posters displayed on the bar top when Xiono inquired about Z'Vk'Thkrkza's whereabouts. Torra Doza and Xiono then shifted their search for Z'Vk'Thkrkza to other locations. Z'Vk'Thkrkza eventually escaped from First Order captivity with the assistance of Torra Doza and Xiono, fleeing to the planet Takodana, leaving G1-7CH in charge of the tavern in her absence.
After the actions of Vozo and Xiono resulted in the partial submersion of the Colossus into the ocean, Al was seen having drinks at Aunt Z's Tavern while G1-7CH worked behind the bar. When G1-7CH served Al a drink, the two observed Xiono and the astromech droid CB-23 being pursued by First Order SCUBA troopers, which led to Al stopping himself from drinking and returning the beverage to G1-7CH. During the Battle of Castilon, Z'Vk'Thkrkza returned to the Colossus, where she assisted in the fight against the First Order.
When the gravity systems failed after the Colossus fled the First Order, the patrons of Aunt Z's tavern were enjoying the experience of zero gravity. G1-7CH spent his time catching floating drinkware and placing them in a crate that he was carrying. G1-7CH collected more floating drinkware in his crate when Xiono successfully restored the gravity. Later, when Vozo wondered if he would make a good pirate, Xiono offered to buy him drinks from G1-7CH before discovering that the tavern had run out of drinks. Synara San, a pirate, returned a tray of drinks, which G1-7CH accepted, and then questioned Xiono about whether the Colossus's supply issues would be resolved soon. Later, when Fazon skipped out on training with the other aces to have a drink at Aunt Z's, G1-7CH was seen carrying a tray of drinks through the cantina.
When Z'Vk'Thkrkza encountered difficulties in managing her cantina due to supply shortages, she made the decision to start leaving the station. G1-7CH assisted the Gilliand in packing the tavern's drinkware into crates. When Xiono and Torra Doza attempted to dissuade Z'Vk'Thkrkza from leaving, the Gilliand pointed out that there was an abundance of meat on the jakoosk that the Aces had encountered on Celsor 3, enough to feed the station for a while. Kragan Gorr offered the services of his crew, and Torra Doza departed to persuade her father to grant her permission to hunt the jakoosk. When Al was lamenting the cantina running dry, G1-7CH offered comfort and patted him on the back.
G1-7CH was present when Gorr and his pirates returned to Aunt Z's with news of the failed hunt, placing the blame on the Aces. Dissatisfied with the outcome of the hunt, Z'Vk'Thkrkza informed Torra Doza and Xiono that she would be leaving the Colossus later that night. After a successful second attempt by Torra Doza and Xiono to kill the jakoosh, G1-7CH, Grool, and Z'Vk'Thkrkza cooked and served the meat in the Colossus marketplace. When Leoz, a pirate, lost to Xiono in a game involving chance cubes, G1-7CH pushed the winnings to Xiono's side of the table. Frustrated by Xiono's continued success, Leoz cursed the human. Xiono was then encouraged to leave by San. After struggling with the curse, Xiono returned to the cantina to confront Leoz, as G1-7CH waved goodbye to a departing Grool.
In 35 ABY, G1-7CH was at Aunt Z's tavern when Captain Imanuel Doza instructed the citizens of the Colossus to assemble in the cantina. Captain Doza requested the assistance of those present in fighting back against the First Order to aid Ryvora, Xiono, and Yeager in their return to the Colossus. The crowd expressed their collective reluctance to take on a Star Destroyer. Vozo interrupted the gathering with a hologram transmission from Xiono. Xiono and Ryvora pleaded with the Colossus to flee from the First Order. After Z'Vk'Thkrkza stood on top of her bar and insisted that they needed to help their friends aboard the Thunderer, G1-7CH was the first to voice his agreement.

G1-7CH joined the other members of the Colossus's improvised militia, which would later become known as Team Colossus, as they established defensive positions in the marketplace. G1-7CH was armed with four blasters, holding one in each hand. When First Order shuttles landed in the marketplace and troopers disembarked, G1-7CH and the other citizens sought refuge from the blaster fire in a corridor. The droid fired at the stormtroopers during the retreat as Z'Vk'Thkrkza sealed off the corridor's entrance. When the troopers breached the corridors, G1-7CH and Z'Vk'Thkrkza ambushed a pair of troopers with blaster fire after Opeepit, the Colossus janitor, tripped them with his floor sweeper. Following the battle, G1-7CH carried a pair of stormtroopers and their blasters out of Aunt Z's as Ryvora, Vozo, Xiono, and Yeager entered the cantina.
Glitch was designed as a hospitality service droid, sporting a green and beige color scheme for his head and chassis. His sensors were white. The droid possessed a circle that illuminated in blue when he spoke, serving as his mouth. He also showed himself to be kind, displayed when he attempted to comfort Al, who was upset about the lack of drinks, by patting him on the back.
The first visual representation of G1-7CH was in the trailer that introduced Team Fireball. G1-7CH made an appearance in the first segment of the two-part episode titled "The Recruit," which served as the premiere of the Star Wars Resistance television series, initially broadcast on October 7, 2018. Within the series' dialogue and credits, G1-7CH was exclusively referred to as "Glitch," but his full designation as G1-7CH was revealed in his entry on the StarWars.com Databank. Jonathan Lipow provided the voice for G1-7CH in Star Wars Resistance.