First Order SCUBA trooper

First Order underwater specialists, referred to as First Order underwater stormtroopers, SCUBA troopers, or First Order SCUBA troopers, were stormtroopers serving the First Order with specialized training for operation in aquatic settings. During the First Order's occupation, SCUBA troopers were sent to the Colossus and were ultimately defeated. Their weaponry included an underwater blaster model equipped with an integrated flashlight.


The standard gear for these troopers included a breathing system, swimming fins, and underwater blaster rifles visually reminiscent of the DC-12U beam rifle.

Behind the scenes

The debut of First Order scuba troopers occurred in "No Escape: Part 1," an episode from the latter portion of the first season of Star Wars Resistance, an animated television show. A preview of them was initially shown in the season one trailer released on YouTube during the season's midpoint.

