A chance cube, also written as chance-cube, or simply a die, was a compact, cube-shaped object used for gambling purposes. Certain kinds of chance-cubes provided only two possible outcomes when tossed, with one color appearing on three faces and a different color on the remaining three. Individuals such as Toydarians Watto and King Katuunko were known to utilize these chance-cubes. Imperial cadets Pandak Symes and Nazhros Oleg employed a chance cube to determine who would occupy the lower bunk in their barracks, with Symes emerging victorious in the roll.
A different version featured markings of one to six dots on each of its sides. Han Solo displayed a set of these cubes as ornamentation within the cockpit of his starship, the Millennium Falcon. Chewbacca, Solo's co-pilot, had playfully suspended the cubes inside the ship's cockpit some years prior to the Battle of Yavin.
Concerning grav-ball, the team that prevailed in the chance-cube toss was granted the privilege of commencing the game from the grid's central position.