Spider probe droid

The Spider probe droid, alternatively referred to as a First Order probe droid, represents a probe droid model utilized by the First Order around the time of the attack on Tuanul. During their investigation of the Dassal system situated within the Unknown Regions, Resistance pilots Kazuda Xiono and Poe Dameron encountered one of these probes on a moon. In the event of an assault, the droid was capable of launching several smaller remotes armed with blasters. During the First Order-Resistance War, another probe discovered the supertanker fuel depot Colossus located on the planet Aeos Prime.

Behind the scenes

The First Order probe droid's design originated from concept artwork created during the development of The Force Awakens.

The Star Wars Resistance episode "The Core Problem," which aired in 2019, marked the initial appearance of the First Order probe droid. JP Balmet developed the droid's concept art, drawing inspiration from a piece of concept art for Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens created by Doug Chiang.

