The Core Problem

The seventeenth episode of Star Wars Resistance Season One, titled "The Core Problem," originally aired on February 17, 2019.

Official description

Kaz and Poe delve into an investigation of a location situated within the Unknown Regions, suspecting it holds significance to the First Order's scheme.

Plot summary

Contacting the Resistance

A group of speagulls soars across the seas of Castilon, shadowed by a trio of First Order TIE fighters as they traverse above the Colossus. Jarek Yeager observes this with a sigh and a frown. He, along with R1-J5 (referred to as "Bucket") and BB-8, discovers Kazuda Xiono in the midst of attempting to transmit a message to the Resistance using a transmitter. Kaz's efforts prove fruitless, nearly resulting in electrocution.

Yeager points out to Kaz the evident futility of his endeavor. BB-8 emits a series of beeps, prompting Yeager to comment that the First Order's extensive communications blockade renders that "thing" ineffective. BB-8 responds with affirmative beeps directed at Kaz, who expresses gratitude for the droid's confidence in his abilities. Kaz, determined to prove Yeager wrong, resumes his attempts with the transmitter. However, the device emits an extremely loud noise.

Eventually, Kaz succeeds in establishing a connection, hearing the voice of Poe Dameron. Believing he has successfully repaired the transmitter, Kaz is surprised to find Poe standing directly behind him. Poe inquires about Kaz's well-being. Both BB-8 and Kaz express their delight at Poe's arrival. After acknowledging BB-8, Poe questions Kaz about his use of that "ridiculous" device for communication. Kaz confirms this, but immediately retracts his statement as the transmitter malfunctions, causing a short circuit.

Poe's visit

Kaz inquires how Poe managed to bypass the TIE fighters and stormtroopers that patrol the Colossus. Poe concedes that entering was relatively straightforward, just as two TIE fighters streak past the hangar's open entrance. He observes that certain aspects have undergone changes since their last encounter. Kaz informs Poe that he has been attempting to transmit reports, but the First Order has effectively blocked all communications. Poe reveals that his visit to check on Kaz is only one aspect of his purpose. He informs BB-8 that they have a big mission awaiting them and asks if the droid is prepared to return home with him.

Kaz expresses his surprise at Poe's intention to retrieve BB-8. Poe explains that he has received directives from General Organa to depart for Jakku the following day. He requires BB-8 for this particular mission. When Kaz questions his own mission aboard the Colossus, Poe assures him that CB-23 will provide assistance. Kaz emphasizes that Poe made the correct decision in sending him to the Colossus, as the First Order is engaged in a scheme where the Colossus is merely a component. Poe expresses interest and asks Kaz to elaborate on his findings.

The gathering storm

Inside Yeager's office, Kaz and Yeager present Poe with the star map that Kaz obtained from the First Order's memory rod. Kaz informs Poe that the First Order has been transporting significant quantities of fuel through the station. When Poe questions the First Order's interest in the Colossus, given that it is not the largest refueling station in the galaxy, Kaz explains that the First Order seeks to deny the Resistance access to the Colossus. He emphasizes that it serves as the final refueling point before entering the Unknown Regions, making it essential for any fleet requiring fuel.

Poe expresses surprise that the First Order possesses several fleets, but Yeager interjects, stating that Kaz has additional intelligence to share. Kaz inserts a memory rod into BB-8, who highlights a specific point on the map. Kaz informs Poe that unusual activity is occurring within a particular sector of the Unknown Regions. Poe acknowledges his time constraints, but emphasizes that General Organa dislikes surprises. He extends an invitation to Kaz to journey to that sector to investigate. Kaz expresses his enthusiasm, but questions how they will depart from the Colossus undetected by the First Order.

Poe reveals his plan to Kaz, acknowledging its audacity, but expressing confidence in its potential success. Yeager sighs, hoping that Poe is not executing a Widowmaker maneuver. Unfamiliar with the term, Kaz jokes that he is not even married, prompting Yeager to playfully tap him on the back of the head. Poe cautions that the undertaking will be fraught with peril.

Sneaking out of the Colossus

Subsequently, Kaz and Poe proceed to lower the Fireball down the launching pad, positioning it above a freighter. Poe instructs Kaz that they will remain aboard the freighter until it clears the First Order's scanners. Kaz activates the Fireball's thrusters while BB-8 observes from the astromech socket. Poe secures himself to the Fireball's exterior.

Kaz successfully lands the Fireball atop the freighter. After three TIE fighters fly overhead, Poe suggests repainting the ship in a less conspicuous color, but Kaz retorts that the Fireball is designed for racing, not combat. As the cargo ship ascends into the atmosphere, Poe informs Kaz that they will disembark at a precise moment. When Kaz questions Poe's decision not to pilot the Fireball, Poe responds that he possesses superior familiarity with the ship, reminding Kaz that he is still the "greatest pilot in the galaxy." Kaz sighs in response.

The Fireball attached to the freighter.

Once the freighter reaches the designated altitude, Poe instructs Kaz to retract the landing struts. Kaz complies, and the Fireball begins to descend. However, Kaz encounters difficulty restarting the engines, causing Poe to cling on tightly. Kaz struggles to reignite the engines, eventually succeeding just before the ship plunges into the ocean. Poe continues to hold on as the Fireball ascends back into the sky. They are joined by Poe's T-70 X-wing starfighter, piloted by CB-23.

With Poe's T-70 positioned beneath the Fireball, Poe manages to leap back into his starfighter's cockpit. Once inside, Poe dons his flight helmet and greets CB-23. As he starts the ship, Poe asks Kaz if he is prepared for the mission. Kaz affirms his readiness, but expresses concern about the Fireball. BB-8 beeps, indicating that he will be looking after Kaz. Poe concurs with BB-8. Kaz agrees with Poe and says let's do this. Subsequently, the two pilots navigate their ships into space.

Scene of a calamity

Upon reaching the specified coordinates, Poe's starfighter sensors activate. He observes that a system once existed in this location, but the star is now absent. Poe requests confirmation from CB-23, who corroborates his observation. Poe remarks on the inexplicable disappearance of the system's sun, while Kaz expresses his shock. The two pilots fly past two destroyed planetoids. Kaz inquires about the cause of this destruction.

Poe notes that the planetoids remain strangely intact. Kaz realizes that the planetoids have been "cored out." He questions the First Order's motives, suggesting that they are seeking resources. Poe disagrees, pointing out that the First Order left the planetoids' cores behind.

The two pilots then approach the planet Najra-Va, where Kaz observes a hole drilled through its surface. Poe decides to investigate, and the two pilots navigate their ships through the hole in the planet. When Kaz questions the reason for this, Poe advises patience, stating that they are about to uncover the truth. BB-8 beeps as they fly through the hole.

Caught in a well

Suddenly, the scanner on Poe's X-wing activates as they approach several pieces of floating debris. Poe informs Kaz that they are approaching a gravity well. He instructs Kaz to engage his thrusters, turn around, and escape. Kaz attempts to activate his racer's thrusters, but they fail to respond. Poe declares that it is too late and that they have been caught. He advises Kaz to attempt to endure the experience.

Kaz and Poe's ships are pulled through the gravity well. They navigate their ships past numerous rocks and debris. Poe maintains control of his ship, but Kaz struggles to control the Fireball. Poe advises Kaz to avoid resisting and instead steer into the gravity well. Kaz questions his sanity, but Poe urges him to trust his judgment. Kaz instructs BB-8 to reroute all power to the stabilizers. BB-8 complies, and the two fighters navigate through the gravity well. The currents carry their ships, and they exit through the hole on the opposite side of Najra-Va.

Kaz expresses his disbelief at their survival. Suddenly, Kaz's computer detects a signal. Kaz reports that the signal originates from a moon ahead and asks Poe if they should investigate. Poe agrees that it is a worthwhile idea and that they should proceed with caution.

Investigating a transmission

They travel to the moon, which retains an atmosphere. Kaz spots a village in the distance. Poe confirms that the atmosphere is breathable and that they should land and investigate. The two pilots land their fighters in the center of an abandoned village. Poe disembarks with his blaster. Kaz finds the moon cold due to the absence of the system's sun. Something observes Kaz and BB-8 through its visual sensor.

Poe hands Kaz a blaster and warns him to avoid accidentally shooting himself. Kaz remarks that the extreme cold would likely numb the pain. Poe instructs CB-23 to remain with the ships and ensure they are ready for a quick escape. CB-23 and BB-8 exchange beeps. BB-8 follows Kaz and Poe. Unbeknownst to them, they are under observation.

Kaz observes that the village appears ancient and wonders about its former inhabitants. Poe replies that they are no longer present and that it is difficult to determine how long ago they vanished. Kaz slips in the darkness and accidentally discharges his blaster. Poe cautions Kaz to be careful, but Kaz replies that exploring ruins would be easier during daylight. Gazing at a large structure above, Kaz wonders about the events that transpired here. BB-8 beeps.

A spider probe droid is tracking the trio, showing particular interest in Poe. When Kaz asks about the nature of this place, Poe suggests that it resembles a temple. He notes the presence of similar structures scattered throughout the Outer Rim, describing them as remnants of a bygone era. Kaz notices evidence of blaster fire and concludes that the entire place must have been under attack.

Suddenly, Poe discovers a child's tooka doll and deduces that the perpetrators wiped out the villagers with the intention of eradicating them completely. Poe hands the doll to Kaz. As the probe droid circles them, Poe detects its movements and announces that they are being watched. He instructs Kaz to prepare for potential company and to keep his blaster ready. Just then BB-8 beeps, and Kaz wonders what destroyed the villagers. Poe whistles to Kaz and Kaz responds that he is focused.

Skirmish with the probe droid

Poe instructs Kaz to follow him. They navigate through various pieces of debris and encounter the First Order probe droid. The droid hovers above the Resistance pilots. Poe fires at the droid and tells Kaz to get down. The probe droid knocks Kaz down, and Poe fires his blaster at the droid. The probe droid deploys several smaller remotes equipped with blasters, leading Poe to exclaim that it has "kids."

While Poe engages the smaller remotes, he instructs BB-8 to pursue the "mother" and prevent its escape. BB-8 fires his grappling hook at the probe droid. Kaz offers assistance but is struck in the head when the probe droid drags BB-8 into the air. BB-8 manages to fire a grappling hook which anchors him to a pillar.

Poe leads the remotes among the pillars and manages to shoot one. He tells BB-8 to hang in there, before shooting a second remote. Kaz tries to help BB-8 by firing at the probe droid, but his blaster bolts miss. He tells BB-8 to hold that droid still. Poe asks Kaz which droid he is shooting at. Kaz manages to shoot the probe droid's visual processor, causing it to crash to the ground. Kaz cheers while Poe takes out the last remaining probe droid.

Poe approaches Kaz and compliments him, stating that he knew he would eventually shoot the correct droid. Kaz replies that it required some practice. As the three examine the probe droid, Kaz questions its purpose and its presence here. Poe admits his ignorance and states that he has never encountered anything like it. Suddenly, a TIE fighter circles overhead, and Kaz concludes that it must be a First Order droid.

Escaping the First Order TIEs

Poe realizes that the probe must have transmitted a distress signal just as more TIE fighters, including Major Elrik Vonreg's TIE Interceptor, arrive. Major Vonreg strafes the ground, forcing the three to seek cover. BB-8 beeps that they are trouble and Kaz agrees. Poe instructs CB-23 to prepare their ships for takeoff. CB-23 pilots Poe's X-wing and destroys a TIE fighter. Kaz cheers, but Poe tells him to move.

Kaz boards the Fireball with BB-8 while Poe jumps into his X-wing and flies off. Aboard his X-wing, Poe thanks CB-23 for her good work. Before leaving, Kaz promises to swap BB-8 with Poe later. Poe and Kaz fly their ships into the sky. Poe suggests flying into the core. Kaz is hesitant, but realizes that it will be a good way to lose their TIE pursuers.

The two Resistance pilots navigate their ships through Najra-Va's core. As they enter the gravity well, Kaz allows the current to carry the Fireball. Major Vonreg and the other TIE pilots follow in their TIEs. One of the TIEs crashes into debris and explodes. Kaz cheers that this is working. As they travel deeper into the gravity well, CB-23 pivots her head to avoid debris while a second TIE is struck by debris and explodes.

Poe decides to eliminate the "red dots" and flies back into the gravity well. He shoots down two more TIE fighters. Having lost his escorts, Major Vonreg turns around and flees. Kaz remarks that this should do the trick. The two fly through the hole and away from the planet.

Parting company

Once they reach a safe distance, Poe instructs Kaz to turn around because they need to perform a droid swap. Kaz is alarmed but recalls their earlier agreement. BB-8 beeps. Kaz says this is it and that he could not have done it without BB-8. Kaz tells BB-8 he is going to miss him. BB-8 beeps sadly and Kaz promises to see him again soon.

As the two fly their ships side by side, Poe tells Kaz on his mark and the two fighters tip their tops to face each other. Poe tells CB-23 it was fun and hopefully he will see her soon and asks her to look after Kaz. CB-23 beeps in affirmation and detaches herself from her socket. BB-8 does the same and the two fly through space, wave to each other, and swap sockets.

Poe welcomes BB-8 back. Before leaving, he tells Kaz that he has to go on that mission for Leia. He says he will have one heck of a report for her when he comes back. Kaz asks Poe how he will get back on the Colossus. Poe replies that CB-23 will tell him, as she knows how. Poe and Kaz bid each other farewell before jumping into hyperspace.


Back on Castilon, it is nightfall, and several TIE fighters fly above the Colossus. At Jarek Yeager's Repair Station, Tamara Ryvora is servicing a racer with Bucket, Neeku Vozo, and Jarek Yeager. Tam complains that both primary folds are out of sync on this "bucket," which causes Bucket to take offense, and Tam apologizes that she was referring to the ship. Tam asks where Kaz is, and remarks that he is always curiously absent when work is to be found.

Kaz soon appears with CB-23. Neeku asks Kaz where he has been. When Tam asks where the Fireball is, Kaz tells her that it is docked below and that he just took the ship out for a spin. Tam counters that the First Order has them on lockdown. Yeager takes Kaz aside and asks what he saw out there. Kaz tells Yeager that whatever he thought the First Order was capable of, it's much worse.

When Tam asks who the new droid is, Kaz introduces CB-23 to the rest of Team Fireball. He tells them that she's with him. When Neeku asks what happened to BB-8, Kaz claims that he needed some minor repairs and that he took him to a repair shop on Takodana. Kaz adds that CB-23 is on loan till BB-8 comes back.

Neeku remarks that he is going to miss his small round friend because they were bonding quite nicely. Kaz promises that BB-8 will be back and says he promised to show CB-23 around, saying "See you guys later."

Kaz's double life

After Kaz has left, Tam asks Yeager what's going on, but Yeager replies that it is none of her concern. Tam complains that Kaz had been sneaking off with the Fireball and got a new droid. She resents being kept in the dark, but Yeager replies that there are certain things she won't understand. Tam retorts that it's because he won't let her.

Kaz and CB-23 walk outside. While holding the tooka doll in his hand, Kaz says that whatever happened out there means they could be next. He thinks that they could be in deep trouble. Three TIE fighters fly ominously above.


In "The Core Problem," BB-8's retrieval from Castilon by Poe Dameron before he heads to Jakku is depicted. This itinerary change was initially referenced within Poe Dameron 26, a comic book published in 2018.


