The Disappeared

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The eighteenth episode of _[Star Wars Resistance](/article/star_wars_resistance)_ [Season One](/article/star_wars_resistance_season_one), titled "**The Disappeared**," was broadcasted on [February 24](/article/february_24), [2019](/article/2019).

## Official description

Kaz and Torra take action as the First Order tightens its grip on dissent and issues concerning new demands.

## Plot summary

### The last race

The episode commences with the [Aces](/article/ace_squadron) piloting their [racers](/article/racer) through a [sky ring](/article/sky_ring) situated above the _Colossus_. A large holoscreen displays the race to the assembled spectators. [Jak Sivrak](/article/jak_sivrak), the announcer, declares that [Hype Fazon](/article/hype_fazon) is currently in the lead, closely followed by [Torra Doza](/article/torra_doza) and [Bo Keevil](/article/bo_keevil). As the racers navigate through a pair of rings on their concluding lap, Hype comments that it's time to utilize every available advantage.

[Captain](/article/captain) [Imanuel Doza](/article/imanuel_doza) observes the race from within [his office](/article/doza%27s_office). [Commander](/article/commander) [Pyre](/article/pyre) establishes contact through a holographic transmission, cautioning Doza about the potential security risk posed by the racers. Captain Doza retorts that he is prepared to accept that risk if "positive morale" is considered a security threat. Pyre inquires whether Doza has pondered how [those pirates](/article/warbird_gang) managed to infiltrate his platform. Captain Doza replies that he remains in control of the station and the races will continue as long as he is in charge. Pyre relents for the time being before ending the communication.

### Unwelcome guests

At [Aunt Z's Tavern](/article/aunt_z%27s_tavern), [Grevel](/article/grevel), an [Aleena](/article/aleena), collides with [MB-13A](/article/mb-13a), a [First Order](/article/first_order) [BB-series astromech droid](/article/bb-series_astromech_droid). MB-13A brandishes an [electro-shock prod](/article/electro-shock_prod) when Grevel voices his objection, causing him to retreat. [Neeku Vozo](/article/neeku_vozo) informs [Kazuda Xiono](/article/kazuda_xiono) and [Tamara Ryvora](/article/tamara_ryvora) about a forthcoming Ace competition scheduled for the following week, suggesting that they might have an opportunity to become new Ace pilots. Kaz suggests this could be a silver lining, considering the increased presence of troopers. Tam expresses her eagerness to secure that position.

[Aunt Z](/article/z%27vk%27thkrkza) inquires about their orders. Neeku orders three [Cirilian Sour Pastes](/article/cirilian_sour_paste). Subsequently, two [stormtroopers](/article/stormtrooper_(first_order)) enter the [cantina](/article/cantina). MB-13A uses its electro-shock pod to harass [G1-7CH](/article/g1-7ch) ("Glitch"), Aunt Z's service droid. The service droid moves away to avoid the shocks. The stormtroopers announce their arrival to meet Aunt Z, the owner, and state that they are there to enlist volunteers. He then activates a holographic projection displaying a First Order [propaganda](/article/propaganda) advertisement.

Aunt Z protests the poster, stating that it clashes with her cantina's aesthetic. The stormtrooper dismisses her objection, declaring that it is not a request, and proceeds to install the holographic poster. He and his companion then depart, accompanied by the First Order BB unit. A pair of stormtroopers are seen patrolling the _Colossus_ marketplace.

### Grounding all racers

At [Doza Tower](/article/doza_tower), Captain Doza and his daughter, Torra, observe the approach of an [Atmospheric Assault Lander](/article/aal-1971/9.1_troop_transport) toward the _Colossus_. Torra observes the increasing number of stormtroopers arriving daily and asks when it will end. Doza believes it will not end and leaves the balcony. [4D-M1N](/article/4d-m1n) informs Captain Doza that Commander Pyre has arrived to see him.

Doza instructs his daughter to return to her room. Torra enters the corridor and closes the blast door. Commander Pyre informs Doza that he is there to brief him on a security matter and orders him to suspend all races indefinitely due to a potential security breach. Captain Doza objects, arguing that racing is essential to the station's community and economy. Commander Pyre claims to understand, but states that he cannot risk an incident with untrained, non-military pilots. He requests Doza's cooperation.

Later, at the Aces' lounge, [Freya Fenris](/article/freya_fenris) voices her disapproval of the race cancellation. [Griff Halloran](/article/griff_halloran) expresses his frustration. Captain Doza then informs the Aces that they are to stand down until further notice. He explains that First Order aerial squadrons will assume responsibility for all aerial security. Bo Keevil inquires about their purpose if they are unable to race or fly. [SC-X2](/article/sc-x2) rotates its head.

### "Hyped Up"

An irate Hype Fazon demands that Captain Doza rectify the situation, asserting that he refuses to waste his prime years. Hype and his droid [R4-G77](/article/r4-g77) storm off. A concerned Torra asks Hype where he is going. Freya assures Torra that Hype has simply gone to vent his frustration.

Hype and his droid enter the Aces' hangar, where they discover that stormtroopers have secured his racer and are inspecting it. Hype confirms that it is his ship and informs the stormtrooper that he intends to take it for speed trials. The stormtrooper disagrees, stating that all racers are officially grounded. Another stormtrooper attaches a [magnetic lock](/article/magnetic_lock) to the racer's landing struts.

An enraged Hype warns the stormtrooper not to touch his ship and touches him in the back. He retreats when the stormtrooper's comrades surround him and tells them to be gentle with his ship.

### Kaz's double life

Back at [Jarek Yeager's Repair Station](/article/jarek_yeager%27s_repair_station), [CB-23](/article/cb-23) hands [R1-J5](/article/r1-j5) ("Bucket") a wrench, who then passes it to Tam, who is repairing the _Fireball_. She demands to know what Kaz did to the ship. She notices that the injection turbine appears to be melted and observes carbon scoring on the hull. She asks Kaz if he was involved in a battle. Kaz denies any involvement in a battle, attributing the damage to re-entry burns. When Tam asks where he went, Kaz says he just went out. Neeku then announces that all future races have been cancelled by Captain Doza's order. Kaz and Tam are shocked.

### Aunt Z's defiance

Later, at Aunt Z's Tavern, MB-13A observes Aunt Z relaying the news to Kaz, Neeku, and Tam. Aunt Z dismisses Captain Doza's claim that the measures are temporary, asserting that she has witnessed similar scare tactics before. Kaz believes that the First Order has grounded the Aces because they feel threatened by them. Tam counters that they are no longer needed because the platform is now better guarded. Neeku agrees with Tam, noting the absence of recent pirate attacks and the abundance of food in the marketplace.

Kaz argues that the First Order has trapped them on their own platform. Tam frowns at Kaz. Neeku acknowledges that the First Order troopers, starfighters, and communications blackout are restrictive. Tam suggests that sacrifices are necessary to maintain order and stability. MB-13A beeps in the background. Kaz counters that the First Order's security is infringing on their freedom of movement. Kaz reminds Tam of her aspiration to become a racer, pointing out that there are no races now.

As MB-13A clicks, a distressed Torra Doza enters the cantina, inquiring whether Kaz and his companions have seen Hype. She explains that he stormed off after her father grounded the Aces, and his whereabouts are unknown. Aunt Z attributes his disappearance to the First Order. The First Order astromech droid shakes its head and rolls its head. Glitch expresses concern, but Aunt Z fearlessly raises her voice. She accuses the First Order of making people they don't like disappear.

At that moment, MB-13A returns accompanied by two stormtroopers. The stormtroopers approach Aunt Z, Kaz, Tam, Neeku, and Torra. The lead stormtrooper states that they received reports of a disturbance. Kaz claims there is no problem. Aunt Z accuses the First Order of causing people to vanish. The First Order astromech droid beeps something about conspiracy theories.

Kaz dismisses the disappearances as a conspiracy theory. Tam explains that a friend has gone missing, leading people to speculate about his fate. When the stormtrooper asks for the friend's name, Tam identifies him as Hype Fazon. The stormtrooper requests a status check on Hype's location via [comlink](/article/comlink). Following a brief exchange with the First Order command center, the stormtrooper reports that Hype was cleared to depart at 0100 [hours](/article/standard_hour).

Torra refuses to believe that her friend would leave without saying goodbye. Tam expresses her lack of surprise that Hype would abandon his friends and thanks the stormtrooper for clarifying the matter. The trooper states that he is simply fulfilling his duty to secure the platform. He assures them that each of them could have a future in the First Order if they desire.

Aunt Z informs the stormtroopers that they fail to understand that nobody wants them there. She instructs them to leave the young people alone and peddle their propaganda elsewhere. She hurls the First Order propaganda poster projector at them. The First Order stormtroopers and the astromech droid glare at her menacingly before departing Aunt Z's Tavern.

### Helping Torra

Kaz breathes a sigh of relief, while Aunt Z grumbles about the audacity of those "bucket heads" to impose their [propaganda](/article/propaganda) in her tavern. Torra pleads with Kaz to assist her in locating Hype. He agrees to help and asks for her suggestions. Torra suggests searching the hangar, reasoning that if Hype's ship is still there, they will know he is in trouble. Kaz nods in agreement.

Later, a [service droid](/article/service_droid) delivers a [hoversled](/article/hoversled) carrying crates to a stormtrooper checkpoint. Concealed behind a corner, Torra informs Kaz that the Tower is under complete lockdown and that she is restricted to certain areas. After the stormtroopers allow the service droid to pass, Kaz tells Doza that he thinks he knows of a way of getting in there. CB-23 beeps.

### Sneaking into Doza Tower

Later, CB-23 pushes a hoversled loaded with boxes. She is intercepted by two stormtroopers who inquire about her cargo and destination. CB-23 responds in [Binary](/article/binary). One of the stormtroopers remarks that the delivery is unscheduled and insists on inspecting the boxes. CB-23 pleads with them not to, but they proceed. Upon opening the box, they are attacked by several [gorgs](/article/gorg). While the stormtroopers are preoccupied, Kaz and Torra slip through the door to Doza Tower.

Inside Doza Tower, Kaz shakes off a gorg as he exits the lift. Torra leads him to the hangar, where they discover that [Hype's racer](/article/green_ace) has been secured with magnetic locks. Torra insists that Hype would never abandon his beloved ship. Kaz concludes that the stormtroopers were lying and that they know what happened to Hype. Suddenly, they hear approaching voices.

The two conceal themselves behind crates as a pair of stormtroopers enter the hangar. The stormtroopers are conducting a routine check of Citizen 1155 and report that the starship remains in lockdown. The other stormtrooper comments on the ship's beauty and expresses regret that it is destined for scrap. The first stormtrooper clarifies that they merely follow orders, not issue them.

After the stormtroopers depart, Kaz asks Torra why the stormtroopers didn't take the rest of the Aces with Hype. Torra explains that Hype stormed off in anger when her father grounded the Aces. When Kaz asks if Hype has said anything negative about the First Order, Torra confirms that his comments were extremely negative. Kaz says that is what he was afraid off.

### Captives of the First Order

Back at Aunt Z's Tavern, Glitch struggles to serve the patrons. Kaz brushes past [Garma](/article/garma), an [Arcona](/article/arcona), a furry blue [alien](/article/alien), and [Egdir](/article/egdir), an [Ithorian](/article/ithorian). He asks about Aunt Z's whereabouts, while Garma demands her jet juice. The droid responds that she is gone before pointing to three new First Order propaganda posters. Kaz tells Torra that the First Order took Aunt Z, prompting Torra to ask where.

Later that night, Aunt Z, along with Hype Fazon, [Nod](/article/nod), and [Grevel](/article/grevel), are confined within a cargo container. Aunt Z protests that she has rights and bangs against the walls. Hype tells her to be quiet and says that they have been locked in there for hours. Aunt Z says she is not going to be like him sitting there and doing nothing. Hype counters that doing something is what got him thrown inside in the first place.

When Aunt Z asks Grevel what got him in here, he responds that he didn't show the proper respect to the First Order. He admits punching a trooper in the shin before laughing. Aunt Z says she will speak her mind without the First Order telling her otherwise. Grevel says that her big mouth is going to get them shipped offworld. Aunt Z is shocked that they are being transported offworld.

Outside, a stormtrooper reports that the prisoners are ready for transportation. While standing on Hype, Aunt Z climbs up to the hatch and demands to know what the stormtroopers are doing but they tell her to be quiet. The stormtrooper counters that she will find out when the next transport arrives. Hype panics that he is too handsome to die. Aunt Z tells him to stay calm and that they will find a way out of this somehow. Meanwhile, an Atmospheric Assault Lander takes off.

### The underground resistance

Back at Yeager's repairs, Kaz arrives home with Torra and CB-23. Kaz asks Neeku where is Yeager. Neeku says that he is in his office and doesn't want to be disturbed. Kaz knocks on the door but Yeager tells him to go away. Kaz insists on talking and says that the First Order are behind the disappearance of Hype and Aunt Z. Yeager lets Kaz, Torra, and CB-23 inside.

Kaz, CB-23 and Torra are surprised to see Captain Doza with Yeager. Kaz asks if the First Order is indeed taking people away. Torra demands to know what is going on. Doza says it doesn't concern his daughter but she disagrees because they took her friends. Kaz says and who knows how many people they took away. He asks who is next. Doza nods sadly.

Torra tells her father that if she knows what is happening he has to tell them. Captain Doza explains that the First Order is rounding up people who defy them at the [West Docks](/article/west_docks) and transporting them offworld. Kaz demands to know where but Doza says he doesn't know. Torra says he has to stop them but Captain Doza says that the First Order has stationed stormtroopers on the platform and that openly defying them puts everyone at risk including her.

Yeager explains that he and Doza want to find a way to take down the communications blanket so that they can coordinate with the Resistance to expel the First Order. Kaz says they don't have time for that and that if they don't act now they will never see their friends again. Yeager tells Kaz he is right and wishes him good luck. Kaz is surprised and leaves with Torra and CB-23.

When Tam asks what was that about, Kaz plans they were planning a little celebration to cheer everyone up with the races cancelled. Neeku is delighted at the prospect of social gatherings but Kaz says that he and Torra have to go and do some planning. Tam is suspicious but Neeku buys Kaz's explanation.

### The rescue mission

Outside, Kaz leads Torra and CB-23 down a hatch which leads to a series of pipes beneath the _Colossus_. Kaz explains that they have to reach the docks without being unseen. Kaz almost falls but CB-23 lifts him up with her grappling hook. After verifying the location of the containers, Kaz tells CB-23 to stand by while he and Kaz head there. CB-23 decides to trail them.

Kaz and Torra negotiate over pipes and reach a platform. They climb a ladder onto the docks. Kaz and Torra hear Aunt Z cheering up her fellow prisoners inside their container. Hype and the others laugh. Kaz and Torra call out to Aunt Z and tell her they are here to rescue her. Hype adds that they can't get on that transport.

Kaz says that is what they have to do since the First Order will tear apart the entire platform if they bust them out. Kaz says that his plan is to steal their ship. Aunt Z realizes that they could steal the First Order ship and escape. He tells her to get ready before he and Torra hide from two patrolling stormtroopers. The stormtroopers unlock the crate and march out the prisoners.

### Liberating the prisoners

They lead the prisoners aboard the Atmospheric Assault Lander. Kaz and Torra are hiding under the gangplank and attack the stormtrooper sentries outside. During the struggle, Kaz is kicked in the face and grips on to the platform. Torra rides on top of a second stormtrooper and fires his stun blaster at the others but miss.

Aunt Z knocks out two of the remaining stormtroopers while Torra stuns a third. The fourth stormtrooper shoots at Kaz who is clinging on to the platform. Hype sneaks up on the stormtrooper and punches him before throwing him overboard. Torra hugs Hype and he thanks Kaz and Torra. Kaz says he is glad that Hype is safe and asks if he can fly the ship.

Hype says he can fly anything and asks Aunt Z where they are flying to. Aunt Z tells him to set a course for Takodana where she has an old friend who can help. Kaz and Torra wave Aunt Z and the other escapees goodbye as they leave on the Atmospheric Assault Lander. CB-23 watches with Kaz and Torra. The Lander flies into the skies.

Torra is excited but Kaz warns her that the First Order will soon realize that they are missing a transport. Torra is hopeful that the First Order won't know it was them. CB-23 beeps and Kaz tells her let's go home.

### Safehouse exposed

Back at Yeager's repairs, Kaz is about to break the good news but finds his friends surrounded by Commander Pyre's stormtroopers. CB-23 beeps in horror. As two stormtroopers surround him, Kaz asks what is going on. A smug Pyre informs Kaz that he and his friends are under arrest by command of the First Order.

## Credits
    content="Conspiracy Theory – The Disappeared Preview | Star Wars Resistance on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)"

    content="The Disappeared Episode Guide on (backup link)"