Dassal system's sun

The Dassal system in the Unknown Regions was once illuminated by its central star, around which various celestial objects orbited. Among these was the planet Najra-Va, notable for its inhabited moon. However, around 34 ABY, the First Order relocated their Starkiller Base superweapon to this system. To power the weapon, the star's energy was completely siphoned, leading to its extinction and the subsequent destruction of other celestial bodies via test firings. Eventually, the Resistance members Poe Dameron and Kazuda Xiono discovered the star's absence.


Within Sector Epsilon 51-3 of the Unknown Regions, specifically at grid square H-7 of the Standard Galactic Grid, there was the Dassal system that once held a star. Several planets and smaller planetoids revolved around it, notably Najra-Va and its moon. This moon was at one point inhabited by sentient beings who resided in a village there.


The First Order extinguished the Dassal system's sun in order to core its orbiting bodies (pictured).

The First Order transported Starkiller Base, a mobile superweapon that had been built into the planet Ilum, to the Dassal [system](/article/star_system]. The system was used as a testing ground, and the weapon was powered up by draining the star's energy, resulting in its complete extinction. The superweapon's test shots then cored numerous smaller celestial bodies within the system, leaving behind a large amount of planetary debris. In 34 ABY, Resistance operatives Poe Dameron and Kazuda Xiono arrived to investigate First Order activities. Dameron quickly pointed out the star's disappearance to Xiono.

Behind the scenes

The Dassal system's sun was first mentioned in "The Core Problem," which was the seventeenth episode of Star Wars Resistance's first season. This animated series episode was broadcast on February 17, 2019. A mid-season trailer featured one of the mentions of the star before the episode was released. This trailer was published on the official Star Wars YouTube channel on January 9 of that year.

