Karnex Dragon

Karnex dragons were a predatory species that came from the planet Drahgor III, and they typically resided in areas far below the surface.

Biology and appearance

Their thick skin provided immunity against blaster fire, although their eyes were vulnerable to light. Their food sources included small mammals, rodents, and various other types of prey.


These creatures generally avoided contact, but would become aggressive and attack if provoked.


The old Gozzo flock that once inhabited the planet discovered these dragons during their deep core drilling operations. They passed down cautionary tales and myths to future generations, advising them to avoid drilling too deep to prevent the dragons' release. Flanx, who owned a fuel refinery on the planet, ignored these stories and accidentally freed several dragons while drilling for fuel. Flix, Flanx's cousin, and Kazuda Xiono traveled to Drahgor III to purchase fuel for the Colossus space station. During repairs on the laser drill, Flanx realized the dragons were real, and one of them pulled him into their underground lair. Flix collaborated with Xiono to rescue his cousin, forcing the dragons back into their underground habitat and resealing their enclosure.

