Suppression of the Aeos system

The Aeos system suppression, also known as the Aeos bombardment, was a destructive attack carried out by the First Order on Aeos Prime, located within the Aeos system. This event transpired after the Blockade of Dantooine and was spearheaded by Commander Pyre alongside Agent Tierny. As retribution for aiding the fugitive refueling station, the Colossus, a First Order fleet unleashed a bombardment upon a portion of the neutral world, Aeos Prime. While Jace Rucklin, a cadet serving as a First Order TIE Fighter Pilot, believed that the Aeosians were deserving of punishment for their assistance to the Resistance, his fellow comrade Tamara Ryvora was deeply disturbed by the event, leading to her decision to abandon the First Order.


During the Imperial Era, the Aeosians residing on Aeos Prime offered sanctuary to the Rebel Alliance, enabling them to establish a base there. Several decades later, the Galactic Empire's successor, the First Order, launched an attack on Aeos Prime, resulting in the destruction of an [unidentified_aeosian_village] and injuries to numerous Aeosians.

Following a misunderstanding, the Aeosian Queen extended refuge to the inhabitants of the Colossus space station in exchange for medical support. However, after the First Order successfully tracked them, the Colossus was compelled to flee. With the help of the Aeosian Queen and her people, the Colossus and its residents were able to escape.

The attack

The First Order Navy, frustrated by the Colossus's success in avoiding their hunt for the Colossus, decided to penalize the people of the Aeosian village for sheltering the Colossus. A group of fourteen Resurgent-class Star Destroyers, including the Thunderer which belonged to Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny, converged above Aeos Prime. From there, they initiated an orbital bombardment of the area housing the Aeosian village that had provided assistance to the Colossus, resulting in the deaths of many Aeosians.

Tamara Ryvora, a cadet and First Order TIE Fighter Pilot, witnessed the orbital bombardment and was filled with horror and disgust. Conversely, her fellow cadet, Jace Rucklin, held the belief that the Aeosians were subversive elements who deserved punishment for their support of the Resistance.


The orbital bombardment left a trail of destruction across a portion of Aeos Prime. Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny communicated the bombardment of Aeos Prime to General Armitage Hux, reporting that the Aeos system was now fully suppressed and devoid of any Resistance presence. However, the General stepped aside to allow Supreme Leader Kylo Ren to express his dissatisfaction with their failure to eliminate the Colossus. Ren then used the Force to compel them to point their blasters at each other. Ultimately, he spared them, granting them one final opportunity to destroy the Colossus.

The devastation inflicted on Aeos Prime solidified Tam's concerns regarding the First Order's ruthless nature. After retrieving her comlink from Agent Tierny's office, she "borrowed" a power cell from the mouse droid 5-L to power it up. With the intention of defecting back to the Colossus, she transmitted a coded message to Team Fireball, arranging a rendezvous on Castilon.

Kazuda Xiono, Jarek Yeager, and CB-23 journeyed to Castilon to meet with Tam, who was leading a training exercise. When the other TIE/sf space superiority fighters attempted to shoot down Kaz and Yeager's stolen Atmospheric Assault Lander, Tam incapacitated Rucklin and destroyed the remaining fighters. The rescue operation became more complex when Agent Tierny discovered Tam's defection and deployed the Thunderer to the Castilon system.

Despite their capture, Kaz and his companions successfully alerted the Colossus to the First Order's pursuit. The residents of the Colossus mounted a last stand against the First Order within the Barabesh system, culminating in the deaths of Pyre and Tierny and the defeat of their forces.

Behind the scenes

The Aeos system suppression was first depicted at the beginning of "The Escape," which served as the concluding episode of Star Wars Resistance Season Two.

