October 4th marks the 277th day in a standard year, while it is the 278th day in a leap year. There are 88 days left until the end of the year.
- In 1945, Marcia Lucas came into this world.
- In 1950, the birth of Alan Rosenberg occurred.
- 1950 – Tom Spackman was born.
- In 1978, the release of Star Wars Weekly 35 took place.
- In 1979, Rachael Leigh Cook was born.
- In 1982, the Iceworld serial commenced its run at the Los Angeles Times Syndicate.
- In 1986, "The Totem Master" together with "A Gift for Shodu" were broadcast on ABC.
- In 2000, the publication of Darth Maul (2000) 2 happened.
- In 2004, the release of A Hunter's Fate: Greedo's Tale (webstrip) started on Hyperspace.
- In 2016, The Amazing Book of Star Wars was published.
- 2016 – The 2016 edition of Star Wars Complete Locations was released.
- In 2017, the early access beta period for Star Wars Battlefront II began.
- 2017 – Captain Phasma 3 saw its publication.
- 2017 – Darth Vader (2017) 6 was released.
- 2017 – Star Wars (2015) 37 was made available.
- 2017 – "The Starfighter Stunt" was broadcast on YouTube.
- In 2018, Star Wars: Geektionary: The Galaxy from A - Z was published.
- 2018 – Star Wars: Alien Archive was published in the UK.
- In 2019, Spark of the Resistance was released.
- 2019 – Triple Force Friday was observed.
- 2019 – Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition saw its publication.
- 2019 – Force Collector was published in the UK.
- 2019 – The passing of Diahann Carroll occurred.
- In 2022, The High Republic: Path of Deceit was published.
- 2022 – The audiobook of The High Republic: Path of Deceit was released.
- 2022 – Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The New Republic Vol. 6 was published.
- In 2023, Bounty Hunters 39 was published.
- 2023 – Darth Vader (2020) 39 was published.
- 2023 – The High Republic: Shadows of Starlight 1 was released.
- 2023 – The death of Shawna Trpcic occurred.