The Maxima-A-class heavy cruiser, which can also be referred to as the Maxima-A class heavy cruiser or simply the Maxima-A cruiser, was a heavy cruiser of the First Order shaped like a wedge. These cruisers were put into service approximately thirty years following the Battle of Endor. Poe Dameron, a Commander in the New Republic, discovered a pair of these cruisers at a staging point as tensions rose during the Cold War.
Later, Agent Terex took command of one of these heavy cruisers, known as the Ravenous, during the search for Lor San Tekka, who was both an explorer and a historian. It launched TIE fighters against Black Squadron, but the battle concluded without a clear victor. During the war between the First Order and the Resistance, a heavy cruiser of the Maxima-A class, named the Fortitude, attacked the planet Ikkrukk.
The Maxima-A class heavy cruiser made its initial appearance in the 2015 canon novel titled Before the Awakening, which was authored by Greg Rucka. The cruisers were first visually depicted in the 2016 comic book Poe Dameron 2, with writing by Charles Soule and illustrations by Phil Noto.