
OR-Kappa-2722, a star system, served as a strategic launchpad for the First Order. Its barren nature caused the scouts who found it to simply label it with an alphanumeric identifier.


Following the Battle of Endor, and after the Resistance separated from the New Republic, OR-Kappa-2722 became a base of operations for parts of the First Order fleet, notably several advanced Resurgent-class Star Destroyers. The disappearance of ships and the death of Rapier Squadron pilot Muran prompted New Republic ace Poe Dameron to investigate this system. While chasing the freighter responsible for Muran's death, Dameron arrived at OR-Kappa-2722 and became engaging in combat with a First Order squadron of TIE/sf and TIE/fo space superiority fighters, destroying four enemy craft. This incident, coupled with the New Republic's passivity in response to the loss of a pilot, pushed Dameron to depart the fleet of the New Republic and join the growing Resistance, led by Leia Organa.

