
As a subordinate of Wenda and Bett, Zumgi initially served within the ranks of the Ranc Gang. However, he later shifted his allegiance to Terex. Zumgi held Terex in high esteem and considered Wisper to be merely a caretaker. In 34 ABY, after Terex's return to reclaim control of the Ranc Gang, Zumgi committed the act of killing Wisper. Subsequently, Zumgi participated in the hunt targeting Poe Dameron.


The Ranc Gang

Zumgi and the Ranc Gang

During the era of the New Republic Era, Zumgi was active. He held membership in the Ranc Gang, an organization operating from the Outer Rim planet of Kaddak under the leadership of Wenda and Bett. In 7 ABY, Zumgi, along with other members of the Ranc Gang, infiltrated the Rothana Imperial Shipyards alongside former stormtroopers Corlac and Terex. Terex leveraged his familiarity with the base to facilitate the gang's takeover of the abandoned shipyards. Corlac, along with Wenda and Bett, harbored ambitions of establishing a pirate empire. Following Terex's elimination of Corlac, Wenda, and Bett, Zumgi, alongside Wisper, Brrang, and others, transitioned their loyalty to Terex.

Return of Terex

Following Terex's departure from the gang to join the First Order, Wisper assumed leadership of the Ranc Gang. While Wisper successfully amassed wealth for the gang, he never garnered the same degree of respect that Terex had commanded. In 34 ABY, Terex made his return to reclaim leadership of the Ranc Gang. When Wisper resisted and attempted to reassert his authority over the gang, Zumgi fatally shot him with a blaster. Zumgi conveyed to Terex that the gang members were thrilled by his return and welcomed him back. Terex expressed his gratitude for Zumgi's unwavering loyalty. Subsequently, the gang seized control of Terex's starship, the Carrion Spike, from his First Order crew.

Under Terex's directives, Zumgi ensured that the Resistance pilot Poe Dameron and the droids BB-8, N1-ZX, and C-3PO were able to escape Kaddak with minimal interference. Zumgi and his associates thwarted the mob's attempts to claim the bounty on Poe's head by resorting to violence. Terex assured Zumgi that their plan was progressing as intended and that Poe was a formidable adversary. Terex's scheme involved utilizing N1-ZX to trace Poe back to the Resistance base with the intention of destroying it. Zumgi and Brrang were present when Terex revealed a garage filled with "Uglies."

After the Ranc fleet had entered space, Zumgi expressed his satisfaction with Terex's return. Terex reassured Zumgi that he regarded him and the other Rancs as his family. Given that they were tracking Poe's T-70 X-wing starfighter, which had already engaged hyperspace, Terex instructed Zumgi to prepare the fleet and to notify him when Poe reentered realspace. When Zumgi inquired whether Terex wished to oversee the operation personally, Terex conveyed that he placed greater trust in the Ranc Gang than in the bureaucratic First Order.

Encounter with Oddy Muva

Zumgi is taken hostage by Oddy Muva

While Zumgi was navigating the ship's corridors, he was confronted by Oddy Muva, an Abednedo Resistance technician who had arrived to rescue his wife Sowa Chuan from Terex. Oddy falsely claimed to be a technician who had inadvertently boarded the ship. Zumgi discerned his deception upon noticing a blaster in his holster. Zumgi brandished a vibroblade and managed to damage Oddy's blaster. However, Oddy retaliated by kicking him in the torso. When Zumgi mocked his opponent, Oddy Muva declared his purpose of rescuing his wife and struck Zumgi under the chin, causing him to fall to the ground. Oddy then held the vibroblade against Zumgi's neck, demanding to know the whereabouts of his wife.

Oddy, at blaster-point, compelled Zumgi to guide him to Terex's harem. Zumgi witnessed Oddy and Sowa's reunion and learned that Terex maintained a harem of slaves as a means of coercing individuals into spying for him. When Oddy instructed Zumgi to contact Terex in order to settle their differences, Zumgi retorted that all who attempted to challenge Terex had failed. Smirking, he informed Oddy that Terex was no longer on the ship but was leading a boarding party to pursue Poe Dameron on a desert world.

The Ranc Gang subsequently became embroiled in a conflict with Poe's Black Squadron. The Carrion Spike and the Ranc fleet were ultimately destroyed by First Order forces dispatched to reprimand Poe for disobeying orders not to engage with the New Republic and Resistance. The fate of Zumgi, whether he perished or survived the battle, remains unknown.

Personality and traits

Zumgi was a man of dark-skinned human descent, characterized by gray eyes and black hair. In his youth, he possessed a full head of black hair. However, by 34 ABY, he sported only black mutton chops. Zumgi exhibited unwavering loyalty to Terex and regarded him as a superior leader compared to Wisper. Zumgi possessed proficiency in wielding a blaster, the weapon he used to kill Wisper. As one of Terex's trusted lieutenants, Zumgi was adept at resorting to violence. Zumgi demonstrated skill in wielding a vibroblade but was ultimately outmatched by the Abednedo Resistance operative Oddy Muva. Even while held captive, Zumgi remained arrogant and defiant, maintaining his belief that Oddy stood little chance of defeating Terex alone.

Behind the scenes

Zumgi made his initial appearance in the 2016 comic Poe Dameron 9, penned by Charles Soule and illustrated by Phil Noto.

